Chapter 2: Confusion

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Lauren's POV:

February 20, 2015  

Pure panic is creeping up my veins. I'm sitting in the middle of my science class with my teacher and twenty-four well now twenty-five other students and I can't seem to control my wolf. I never heard of this physical reaction ever before but on the other hand I was never really in contact with other people of my kind. I keep my mouth shut to hide my fangs, they are thankfully in the small transformation stage they just grow longer when I fully transform. Dear God please don't let me fully expose myself. I feel the sharp tips sinking into my gums, filling my mouth with the metallic taste of blood.

I hide my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket and take a deep breath in hope to calm myself down but this was actually the dumbest move I could have done. I feel how my nostrils widen and I take in the strongest scent I've ever perceived. A mixture of peach and her natural scent fills my nose and my mind goes blank for a while. I feel even more like losing control. There are no more coherent thoughts floating around my mind. My wolf craves to sink her sharp teeth into the neck of this poor girl and I have no idea how to keep her under control.

The girl sits down next to me and turns in her seat to greet me. Her plump lips are forming a warm smile even though she seems a bit nervous. She offers me a shy wave with her delicate hand. Turning back to Mrs. Dancan she tries to follow the given instructions. After a while of fiddling nervously around with the sleeve of her sweater she speaks up. "M-My name is Camila, you're Lauren right?"

Even though she seems to be shy she decided to try and speak to me. The way she pronounces my name makes me shiver. A part of me wants to answer her so badly just to hear her melodic voice again. But I can't bear the thought of getting attached to her just to lose her someday. There are millions of scenarios running through my mind even though I literally just met her a few minutes ago. It's scary how my mind plays me. I feel the overbearing need to be near her and to keep her safe.

'You can't keep others safe. You're no good for the people in your life. You just put them in misery. You need to stay away from her, you just mean trouble!'

I throw a mean glare her way hoping to scare her off so she won't approach me again. I turn in my seat to stare at my teacher and try to give her all my attention even though the dark haired beauty is still the main focus of my thoughts. Ignoring the heartbreaking frown I see out of the corner of my eyes I bury my claws deeper in my jacket pockets. She keeps on starring at my side profile with a hurt expression for a few more seconds before she also turns slowly around to look at the front of our classroom.

This goes on until the bell goes off to save me. I jump up, take my bag and swing it forcefully over my left shoulder and continue to hide my hand in the pocket of my jacket before rushing out of the classroom. Pushing through the crowded hallways I hurry to find the next exit so I can go and hide out in my car.

Reaching it after a few minutes I sit in there trying to calm down enough that I can transform back into my human form. After a while of working with some breathing exercises I feel my claws and fangs slowly retract. I sigh in relief. Turning up the radio I listen to some local radio station to get my mind off the small Latina. My heart aches when I recall the way she looked at me when I ignored her attempt to talk to me.

Looking at the multimedia display of my Volvo I immediately groan when I see the time. I already missed my second period of math but I could still attempt third and fourth period to let all my frustration out during art class, my absolute favorite subject.

I exit my car and lock it properly before walking slowly toward the art room. I knock lightly on the door and apologize to my teacher for running a bit too late. She just nods my lame excuse off before pointing at my usual spot. I sit down in the back and get my art supplies from my leather bag. I'm pretty far ahead of all our class assignments so I start to drawing something with no a real intention in mind. I just want to do something.

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