I'll Treat You Well(Moriarty) (Sherlock) ♕

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♕(Y/n)'s POV♕

I ran down the hall of the building, adrenaline and legs pumping, wide grin spreading across my face, with a giggle occasionally escaping my lips. I threw open the door of the bank with the unoccupied arm (as the other was, at the moment, clutching a bag full of valuable gems and money to my chest) and sprinted towards to the black car heading my way. I opened the door and slid in, barely getting my foot in the door before the driver skidded quickly down the road. I smiled up at the driver through the rearview mirror, before closing the shades of my compartment, closing everyone and everything, including the driver, out from my view before sliding carefully out of the black (not to mention hardly breathable) leather outfit and into an elegant deep maroon dress, with a sweetheart neckline and slit up to my upper right thigh. I strapped my knife holster to my left, covered leg and slipped my gun holster onto my right thigh, where you could only see it if you somehow removed my dress or simply pulled the slit up a few inches higher. I pulled my (y/h/c) hair out of the tight bun it had previously been in, and let it flow naturally back to it's usual length (if you have hair that's too short to wear in a bun, say it was up in a beanie or something idk XD). I checked the mirror, making sure my makeup was perfect, including the maroon lipstick that matched my current outfit. The car pulled into my final destination, also known as Irene Adler's home. I opened the door without knocking, with the bag of stolen possessions wrapped gently around my wrist. I walked into the home, looking around for Irene before seeing her on the front room, talking to a quite attractive man. I walked slowly and seductively until I was behind Irene's chair, making sure to eventually catch the eye of the gorgeous man sat across from my dearest friend. I bent down behind Irene, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and biting her earlobe lightly before whispering into her ear.
"Who's this... gentleman...?" I whispered into her ear, making her shiver. We aren't into each other, but it certainly is fun to tease. I made sure my eye contact never wavered from the man. He bit his lip and gently trailed his eyes down my face, lightly trailing farther down, causing his eyes to glow slightly, before he returned his gaze to mine.
"Hm... this 'gentleman' is-"
"James Moriarty. You can call me Jim if you'd prefer. And who, may I ask, are you?" He responded with his eyes still trailing over my features before finally looking into my eyes.
"(Y/n). (Y/n) (y/l/n). Pleasure to meet you Mr. Moriarty." I held out my hand for him to shake, but instead he lifted my hand up to his mouth and kissed my knuckles gently.
"Pleasure is all mine, Ms. (Y/l/n). Or is it Mrs.? I would certainly hope not."
"It's Ms.," I turned to Irene. "Darling, would you put on some tea? I would love a cuppa right about now."
Irene smirked before kissing my cheek lightly. "Of course."
"Thank you." I kept my eyes on Jim.
"So, are you two a thing?" He asked simply. I walked over to him and straddled his lap. I heard his breath catch ever so slightly as I leaned in to his ear.
"Irene and I? No, we're just good friends. Occasionally with benefits if we get bored. Now, you on the other hand, would be a treat too spend a few hours with, I'd assume,' I smirked as I felt his hand trail up to wear the gun holster on my thigh was resting. 'Especially in bed."
I heard his breath catch slightly once again, but other than that I didn't seem to have much of an affect on him. I bit down lightly on his ear lobe and trailed kisses and love bites down his jaw line before his grip tightened on my thigh.
"Now, (Y/n), don't play with our boss just yet. We need to get back to-" Irene was cut off my Jim raising his hand.
"I'll do whatever you wish from me, as long as I get to keep this precious one with me. Deal?"
"U-uh yeah. Yes! That seems perfectly logical. Ill grab her things." He managed to make Irene Adler, THE Irene Adler, stutter. How powerful was this man? Oh, what the hell. I smashed my lips onto his and he kissed back until we were both breathless. He pulled back and I curled into him with a content smile on my face.
"I'll treat you well, Kitten. I promise." I smiled at his words and the smile only grew wider when I felt a kiss being placed gently upon my head. Hm...I can't wait for this.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed my first Moriarty imagine! I have been meaning to publish this for a while, but a lot of stuff has been happening and I didn't really get a chance to. Luckily, I'm able to publish more and again! I've even bend starting to edit/rewrite some of my older stories that DEFINITELY need work. I hope you guys like this book! Requests are open!
Moose the Author

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