Girl Crush (Brian'Q' Quinn x reader) (PART TWO)

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Requested by RoseBlackbird , Constantine-io, and WishfulDreamer14

As I lay down in the tub, I hear my name being called. Hm... oh well. I'm relaxed. Who would've thought a bathtub would be this comfortable? I'm getting a little sleepy now. Why do people keep saying my name? Let me take a nap. The yelling gets louder and closer before I drift off into a nice, peaceful sleep with a content smile on my face.
(Y/n)'s POV:

I felt a bunch of air suddenly rush into my lungs as I suddenly shot up and gasped in as much air as I could. I looked down at my arms and legs to see bandages wrapped around both pairs of limbs. Huh. So that's what stings. I see restraints on my wrists and a white hospital gown with a blue pattern on it covering my pale and thin body. I saw a hand in mine and a disgruntled head of dark brown hair on the edge of my bed. I looked around to see the white walls of the hospital room around me and noticed some empty bottles ranging from glass to plastic surrounding the person next to me. I could automatically recognize the person next to me along with the fact that the glass bottles were drier that the plastic water bottles. Had he been drinking? Did someone convince him to stop or did he make that decision on his own? I felt tears build up in my eyes. Had he been the one to find me after what happened? I remember the texts he sent me and it hadn't been long after those texts that I...did what I did. I can't imagine what he went through if he did. Not just him. Anyone that found me. What if it was one of the boys? I have no doubt they know about what happened. I could tell it had been a while that I had been here, not only from the collection of bottles in the room but also from the amount of wilted flowers and balloons that had been slowly losing air. I looked back down at Brian and put my hand in his hair, a few tears slipping down my cheeks. I felt a slight shift and moved my hand to see Brian turning his head towards me and his eyes look at me sleepily for a second before widening in realization and he shot his head up while still staring at me in shock. I smiled sadly at him.

"Hi Brian." I saw tears immediately build up in his eyes, which I haven't seen often since his depression had started to slowly disappear. He whispered my name under his breath in disbelief and when I nodded, he shot up and gave me a big hug while still being gentle, as though I would break and crumple in his arms if he hugged me to tightly. More tears started to fall down my face at a quicker pace and I felt tears dripping onto my shoulder from his eyes.
   "(Y/n), why?" I didn't know how to answer him. I opened my mouth and closed it multiple times, probably making my look like a fish out of water for too long. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes.
   "Sal told me already, but I want to hear you say it. I want to know it's true. Please, tell me it's not because of me. Please, please tell me it wasn't me that drove you to do this to yourself."
   I didn't know what to do. It wasn't because of him, but it was at the same time? But I don't really know how to tell him what I want to. What exactly did Sal tell him? I looked at him and sighed. I was going to have to tell him.
   "It's because you're with her. I see the smiles you give her. I see the way she smiles at you. The looks you give each other show how much you love her and the bad part is is that I love you and you don't love me back like I love you. My heart wants to fall out of my body when I see you two together. I love you Brian Quinn and it kills me to see that you will never love me back."
   I look down and wipe the tears away from my eyes quickly and keep my head down. It's quiet on Brian's end and when I look up to see why he was quiet, I felt a pair of rough but gentle lips crash into mine and a hand hold the back of my neck to pull my head closer to theirs. I fluttered my eyes shut with tears starting to run down my face again, but this time I felt them intermingling with Brian's. I kissed back and lightly pulled on the hairs on the bottom of his neck. We pulled away and he rested his forehead against mine. We both let out happy sobs combined with slightly labored breathing and gasps of air. I opened my eyes and saw his beautiful, big brown eyes staring back at mine.
   "So you do feel the same?" I asked slightly confused.
   "I always have. You've always been the one I loved, but I tried to ignore those feelings because I always thought you were way too good for me. You're beautiful, caring, passionate and so many other things. I cannot even describe how amazing and just all around perfect you are for me. I love every bit of you and I can't believe you loved me all this time. I dated her to distract me from you. I tried to convince myself that I loved her but the entire time I knew it was you and always would be. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. I'm admitting it to myself now. Please, don't ever think of doing something like this to us again. Please." I nodded and then came to a realization.
    "What about her?"
   "We broke up. She said I cared more for you then I cared about her and when I came to the realization that she was right, I told her she was. I came to you and drank until the guys convinced me that you wouldn't want to wake up to a drunk me. I knew they were right, so I immediately sobered up. Speaking of the guys, they should be here any-"

    "(Y/n)?! Are you awake?! Oh my god we were so scared we didn't know what happened and-" I looked behind Q to see the guys standing at the door and Murr, who had been talking, with his hand covering his mouth and tears in his eyes. Joe had dropped an entire drink holder full of coffee on the floor and was staring at me with wide, tear filled, eyes. Sal was already about to sob and he ran over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead and started asking questions, mostly asking if I was alright.
   "Sal, doll, I'm fine. Calm down. I'm here." I gave him a hug and then Joe and Murr both gave me a long hug. I smiled sadly at them. How could I do this to the men I love and care about? Why would I hurt them? I think Q noticed the regret in my face because he grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek before looking into my eyes.
    In a quiet voice he whispered lovingly to me, six words I'll never forget. "We're here now. We love you."

Authors note:


   Stay Alive Frens |-/

                                        Author 💕

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