Chapter 6. Her Innocent Smile

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June's POV:
This is my second day in Mystic Falls and I had been goofing around since morning. This place is so welcoming and it feels like living in a fairytale. Everybody is busy in some or the other work today for the party the tonight. I helped charlotte with decorations and she thinks I have a creative mind.

I'm pretty confused which dress I should wear? Urghh. Why it always have to be this difficult when it comes to choosing an outfit? I've emptied my whole damn suitcase but still I've not found a suitable dress yet.

I heard a knock at the door. "Come in please" I replied packing my clothes and keeping in the cupboard. "Good afternoon Madame, is there anything I can help you with?" Maria asked entering the room. "Oh thank god you're here.. I just need your tiny help in selecting a dress for today's party. But I don't know which one I should wear. I'm trying to find but it's so difficult to choose" I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.

Few minutes later the whole room was a mess and my clothes were all piled one upon other on the bed. "This dress is amazing. It will look pretty on you and perfect for the party." Maria said with a wide grin on her face signalling me towards the dress.

My eyes travelled to the black dress which was lying on the table. "Yes we have found the right one finally." I exclaimed giving her high five. Why didn't I notice it before? Because you're a complete idiot. Shut up.

It neither looks underdressed nor overdressed. Just perfect for the event. "As I said I'm here to help you with anything you need" she smiled.

"Thanks Maria. I was little dubious because I don't know what occasion it is and I don't want to go in an inappropriate outfit" I stated. "Parties are frequently held here and occasion for this time is family reunion. Many royal families will be present today. And Master Ethan has also returned after long time. He doesn't visit that often because he is always wrapped up in his work as he travels alot" she said.

"Oh I see, I saw a picture of him yesterday" I said recollecting his facial details from yesterday. Though he looked handsome but something about him made him look intimidating as well. "Isn't he charming? Every girl in mystic falls wishes to marry him one day" She said in amazement. Who wouldn't? Yes he has got the looks and charms. Wait. Since when did I started carrying about his looks?

"That's nice" I said trying to be normal. All of a sudden I'm feeling so strange since his topic started all I'm pondering about is seing him for real. "Are you okay Madame?" She asked in confusion. "Oh yeah..I'm fine" I assured her. I must seriously stop zoning out every now and then.

"Ohkay. Let me know if you need anything else I'll be down" She smiled adjusting her dress. "That won't be necessary Maria" I stated. She noded and exited the room. Shoving this unusual feeling aside I started to wonder about Alec. I should be thinking about only him and I'm eagerly waiting to see him tonight.

Ethan's POV:
After meeting everyone I directly headed to my room. I climbed the stairs to the first floor and my room was situated first from the right side. Opening the door I smiled to myself seing my room exactly the same I had left it.

Few hours later I was getting ready for the party tonight. I wore black suit with matching black tie. Giving a last glance to myself in the mirror I headed down few minutes early to welcome our guests.

Guests were gathering in the huge hall and more were still to come. Drinks were served and slow theme music was playing. I can see familiar faces and greeted everyone. "Here is my son. Meet Derek Winchester he is our new business partner of The Duke Enterprises" my dad declared.

"Pleased to meet you Mr. Winchester" I said firmly shaking my hand with him. "Nice to see you too. I've heard so much about you" He said smiling. "Well, all good I hope" I smirked. "Yeah all good" he grinned. "Excuse me and enjoy the party" I said.

I went straight towards the bar counter. For me party will only start with few drinks down. I sat on the high stool "One Scotch on the rocks" I said to the bartender. Where is Charlotte? I haven't seen her since afternoon.

I was looking at the people gathered and talking among themselves. I spotted mom talking with my aunts while dad was busy in the deep conversation with Mr. Winchester. I even saw Peter talking to some of my important people. "Here is your drink sir" bartender said. I took the whiskey glass and I smelled it while taking a savouring sip from it. Perfect!
As I was glancing at the crowd again my eyes fell on a petite girl coming down the stairs wearing long black slit dress which perfectly hugged her curves. Her hairs swayed with every step she took. She was walking awkwardly. Maybe she had problem wearing those heels. I chuckled.

I was staring at her every move and it looked like her eyes were searching for someone. She finally smiled focusing her eyes on something. I glanced to what she was smiling for. There was a guy in his twenties standing near the fountain.

She walked towards him smiling and he said something to her which made her blush. I took a moment to look at her face which was pale before but turning pink by now. I took a few more sips gazing at her.

"Hey mate long time" I was broken from my trance by one of my old friend. "Hey Josh how are you man?" I said shaking our hands. "Have a seat" I said signalling him towards seat beside me at the bar counter. "Same old shit mate. Just came back from France last week. And how's your stuff going on?" He asked.

"All good right now. Have something to drink." I plainly replied. Being my old friend he knows what I do but he refers to call it as 'stuff' so nobody becomes suspicious. And there's a saying 'even walls have ears.'

We were talking about business and again I glanced over to the petite girl. I was surprised when I saw to whom she was talking now and that was none other then my sister.

Oh, so she is Char's college friend.

She looked so impeccable and my eyes weren't ready to leave her sight. She was laughing at something hysterically. She was making hand gestures while talking to exaggerate her talks.

She cared less about her surrounding and I took this opportunity to go there and meet my sister. My main intention was to see that girl more closely. "I'll be right back" I said finishing my drink and walking towards them. "Hey Charlotte" I said giving a nudge to her shoulder from behind making her turn back.

"Oh holy scared me big brother..I missed you so much you know that" she said hugging me. "I missed you too Char" I smiled hugging her back. "I was busy since morning so I couldn't come to meet you. And please don't say you'll be here for few days..I harldy get to see you. Last time you barely stayed for a day" She whined.

"Don't worry I'm staying for few more weeks." I replied glancing at the girl. When our eyes met she looked away quickly. "And brother this is my best friend June and June this is my brother Ethan" she chanted the last words.


"H-hello Mr. Duke" she stuttered. Her voice was honey sweet. "Just call me Ethan" I smirked bringing my hand forward for a handshake. Her hands looked so small and felt so cold. I felt a weird sensation when we touched I stared at her and she looked at me with her wide eyes. She took her hands away quickly.


The function went well and there were various singing and dance performances. Couples swayed on the dance floor when slow songs played. My eyes were searching for her but she was nowhere to be found.

Later on we all had dinner together and toasts were raised. I kept stealing glances at June but her eyes were glued to her food and mumbling to Char. Is she alright? I should stop thinking about her but I couldn't resist it.

Later at night I worked on laptop for few hours. Just checking and sending few mails to keep myself busy. A small yawn excaped my lips. I closed my laptop and lied on bed. I yawned again and dozed off to sleep with her innocent smiling face clouding in my mind.


Author's Note:
Hey my lovely amigos,
I'm so sorry guys my updates are slower these days and I love your patience. I had my exams and y'all know they're are not so fun but I have to keep up with my good grades. Please keep commenting and voting because it inspires me and makes me to update more and more fast.
I hope you liked this chapter. If you have any questions you can comment.
Please |Comment| , |Share| and |Vote| would mean alot to me. ^~^

~Neha XOXO

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