Chapter 10. The Shooter

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June's POV:
I'm feeling very awkward after what happened last night. I freezed on the spot when he came near me. It felt like I'm in his devastating trap. He's full of mixed emotions. Perhaps I should try to stay away from his intimidating gaze. But I can't because his room is very close to mine.

I haven't seen neither Alec nor Amelia I thought passing by his room to Charlotte's room. These passages are so big it takes lot of a time to go at Char's room. I knocked on the door twice and heard a faint come in and I went inside.

"Hey... I was gonna come to your room. I want to tell you something interesting" she said with excitement. "Yeah shoot" I replied sitting on her bed. "In two days Ball dance will be held and I want you to be a part of it" she said. "Woman are you out of your mind? I don't want to make fun of myself and you know I'm not good at slow dancing. So my answer is NO" I sternly replied.

Dancing in front of so many unfamiliar people is difficult for me. "I've already chosen​ you and you won't be there alone. I don't want to hear a No as the answer" she said in her fake angry tone. "Why didn't you ask me first? No matter what my answer will be still no" I plainly replied. "Come on it'll be fun and it's our family tradition before weddings. We are here to enjoy so let's make some memories" she said.

I know Char if she's wants something she gets it and now there's no going back plus I don't want to see her unhappy face. "Ohkay fine..fine" I replied. "Thanks" She hops and hugs me in return I hug her back. "So dance practice is starting from today at 2p.m. Don't be late" she chirps. It's 12pm and I still have two hours. "Yes captain" I replied saluting her.

I saw Maria sitting alone near the kitchen reading something. I walked towards her. "Hey you can read?" I ask looking at her and the magazine. "Little bit" she mumbles. "How do you manage to work and attend school?" I questioned. "I never got an opportunity to complete my studies but my mother upskilled me" she smiled.

"And since how many years are you working here? I asked. "It's been five years. My family has been loyal to them since decades." She said getting up. "Oh." I said. "Did you need anything?" She questioned. "Erm no..but I'm just curious about the ball dance. Can you tell me about ball dance since you might be knowing Duke family tradition" I asked. "It is a must before the weddings not only Dukes but also many other royal families celebrate it. The pairs participting must unmarried because it's a saying they will get their better half soon in future if they participate" she said.

"Do you believe in such thing?" I asked. "Yes I do but I never got a chance to participate. You're lucky you got Ethan as the partner" maria exclaims. "Wha-what? Who told you that?" I asked. I was in utter shock. "Every girl is talking about it. They wanted him to be their partner. They're jealous" she giggled. I can't absorb the fact Char pair me up with him. "Your face became so pale. Are you okay Madame?" she asked getting worried.

"I'm...I'm fine dear" I assured her. No I'm not. What will I do now? The person I'm trying to avoid is my partner now. "I must say you're lucky you got a charming partner. Everyone admires him" she grinned. I faked a smile. How can girls admire him so much? I know he's good looking but there's something about him gives me a bad feeling. But this won't change the fact that I have to dance with him.

Oh god save me. I'll go right away now and tell Char to change my partner. "I got some work. I'll meet you later" I excused myself. I advanced towards Char. "Hey I need to talk to you for a minute. Alone" I said. "Sure. Be right back mom" she said to her mom and we both walked towards the veranda.

I don't know how to apprise her. Her queries won't stop if she gets any indication. I've got an idea. "So in this dance thing we'll be with our partners right? With whom​ Alec is dancing?" I knew Alec is paired with Amelia but I just wanted to know what she'll say. She starred at me. "Erm you know right he's very good at dancing and I can get more tips from him if I dance with him" I added.

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