Chapter 9. Awkward Situations

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June's POV:
"Oww" I shrieked. I thought i collided with a wall or something but it was a person. I didn't dare to look up to the person whom I ran into. If he weren't holding me by my shoulders I would've ran away quickly but he wasn't ready to let go of me. I was beyond petrified because it might be that murderer had followed me till here.

"June?" I heard a familiar raspy voice but softer this time. Wait. How does this stranger know my name? I looked up in a flash and my eyes met his dark blue eyes which were staring right back at me.

"Ethan" I said in a whisper. "Are you alright?" he asked letting go of my arms. "I-I'm fine" I responded. "What were you doing here alone? Wandering in this forest isn't safe" he said. I gave him a scornful look and looked down. I wasn't wandering here.

"I was in the market with Char and I lost them and I tried to find them but every spot looked the same. Then I saw a way out thinking it might be a way out but I was wrong and it led me here" I replied in one breath. I didn't tell him about the noise I heard in the bush because I thought he won't believe me.

"Okay now let's get you home everyone might be worrying about you" he said. The walk towards his car was awkward and silent. He opened the passanger door for me and I mumbled a quiet thank you to him. I got into passenger's seat and kept my shopping bags behind.

Ethan started to drive. The car was very luxurious and well interior designed from inside. I kept my eyes straight on the road to avoid any weird eye contact with him. With an awkward silence in the car arrived at the mansion in 20 minutes and he parked the car.

He got out of the car and as I was about to open the door he stood there and opened for me. I was never used to such gentleman behaviour. I got out of the car and saw the other car parked in which I had travelled in the morning.

That means Charlotte is home I should go to her she might be worrying about me. I quickened my pace and walked out of the parking lot. Oh shit! I forgot to take my shopping bags from back seat. I turned around and collided into him again.

Oh no.

Why am I being so clumpsy today? "Erm.. I forgot my bags inside the car" I said. "Don't worry about will be sent to your room" he replied in his husky tone. "Ohkay" I said.

"June" I turned around and saw Charlotte calling me. Where were you? I was so worried about you that I sent few men to search for you" she said with worry filled in her eyes.

I told her everything and she was glad that Ethan had found me. She handed me my phone and I checked it there were few missed calls from Charlotte and two new messages from Aunt and I quickly opened it.

Aunt- Hey Ju missing you!! Home feels so silent without you.

Aunt- Ben was asking about you today. You should atleast give a chance to that poor boy.

Ben is my neighbour and he wants to take me on a date but I keep on ignoring him. It's not like I dislike him I just don't want to go out with him and aunt wants us to pair up.

Me- We'll talk about it when I come back. Ttyl. Love you.

I quickly typed the message and went straight to my room. I glanced myself in the mirror and the view shocked me. My hairs were all sticking in different places defying the gravity. It was a long and tiring day today.

Ethan's POV:
After having dinner I went outside to attend a call from my men about the reports of Bianco.

"Did you trace his locations?"

"Yes but we aren't sure because it can be a trap too."

"Send more men and call me when you get him."

Enough of his hide and seek games. Now we are only one step away from finding him.

"Yes boss."

I ended the call and glanced outside and saw June walking near the fountain. We both saw each other at same time and she stopped in her tracks and I took the opportunity and went towards her.

I took large strides towards her as in she was my prey. Whenever I go near her she starts to fidget with her hands or play with her hairs. I love it when girls have such effect because of me and they probably throw themselves on me but June is different.

Standing in front of me her frame was so small. "Hey are you fine now?" I asked. "In the noon you looked a bit pale" I added. I was staring at her twinkling eyes trying to read it. "I'm perfectly fine. Thanks." She replied looking at the ground. I stared at her and she's looking everywhere but not towards me. "What were you doing there in the forest today?" She asked breaking the silence.

"There's a huge factory project to be developed in that land and the designer wanted to see the land first so we went to the sight." I replied never leaving the eye contact. I didn't tell her I saw them in the morning.

Suddenly she shivered as the cold wind hit her bare shoulders. I noticed she was wearing sleeveless t-shirt. Doesn't she know it gets very cold during nights over here?

I took a step towards her trying to close in the distance but I kept a little distance between us. She was trapped between me and the fountain behind her.

Got you.

I could smell her sweet fruity smell. I took a deep breath. Why isn't she giving in like other girls do? Right now I was practically glaring down at her completely in my thoughts.

June's POV:
Suddenly cold breeze hit me and I feel stupid for not carrying a scalf with me. Ethan was staring at me relentlessly. He suddenly took a big step forward closing the distance between us.

I can't step back because there was fountain behind me and I would probably fall so I didn't move. I don't know what he was thinking but his eyes were burning holes on my head with his dark gaze. My heart was beating rapidly and I can't see anyone around either.

"I-I should probably head to sleep." I stammered and quickly went to the direction I came from. What was that? I glance back at him and he was watching the pond deep un his thought. I turned back and continued to walk.

Sometimes he is intimidating or a gentleman or weird or sexy but he looks sexy all the tim- NO NO NO! I cut off my thoughts but he didn't touch me or try to do anything.

I should forget about what happened few moments ago. Yes! I closed the room door behind me and went straight to bed falling into deep sleep recollecting the awkward situations occured today.


Author's Note:
Hey lovely munchkins, how y'all doing? But first I want to thank you all for giving me 1k votes and all my lovely readers. Love you all.♥
And I want to tell you something about this story. Basically Ethan is a bad guy and he thinks he can get anything he wants but right now he is confused about June. He thinks she's different from other girls. Their love story will blossom slowly by time. Just wait for it.♥
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~Neha XOXO

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