Chapter 5 - The Plan

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Chapter 5 - The Plan

Lucian was standing on top of a huge blue lake. Ripples emanated from his feet resting on the water's surface. He looked around but all that was there was the blue lake, no shoreline was visible anywhere. He looked around, there was no way this was real, but he had never had a dream like this before. Even that dream with where that man, Dreamer, had shown up seemed more solid than this.

"Where am I?" Lucian said aloud.

The water began shaking everywhere and a voice rose up from its depths. "Where are you indeed."

Lucian looked around but all he saw was the water. The voice seemed to originate from deeper down than he could see. This dream was very surreal, but Lucian figured he might as well just play along.

"Who are you?"

The water rumbled again, "I am a concerned friend."

"What is your name friend?"

"You may call me Soe."

"That's quite an interesting name. Where did you come from Mr. Soe?"

"It does not concern you right now. Tell me, what is your name?"

"My name is Lucian, Lucian Grey."

"Do you know where you are Lucian Grey?"

"Looks like I'm just standing on top of a lake, friend."

"You are in a dream Lucian, where is your physical self?"

"I should be in my room, in the apartments."

"The apartments?"

"Yes, where everyone lives in the center of Q4 in Mega-Warehouse III."

"You are in Mega-Warehouse III?"

"Yes, I am. Are you not?"

"No Lucian, I am in Mega-Warehouse Omega."

Mega-Warehouse Omega? Lucian thought back, Dreamer had said something about a fifth Mega-Warehouse holding the most dangerous poetics.

"If I'm not mistaken, then that means Security really views you as a threat."

"Yes, Security sees me as being possibly very disruptive to their plans."

"What is your power?"

"That question can be rude, you are lucky you aren't speaking to someone from Mega-Warehouse IV, they have short tempers."

"Then you don't take offense to it?"

"I will let it slide for now as you are not accustomed to conversation with poetics of high powers. My power is telepathy. I can mentally converse with people far away. Depending on how "loud" I project myself onto people, I can actually make it seem like I am their inner voice. This is why Security fears me."

"So why did you wait for me to fall asleep to contact me?"

"You are acquainted with Dreamer aren't you? He pin-pointed your location for me. We are both in the group known as The Flight. You were supposed to have escaped days ago but the Security discovered our man and preemptively struck. Then you disappeared."

"I was held up, but I saw the results of the battle. Which reminds me, where is everyone?"

"Mega-Warehouse III is in a state of emergency. The poetics have risen up and rebelled against the Security. The numbers are not exact but it is estimated that at least a quarter of the Security's forces have been killed. Half of the poetics have been killed and a quarter have surrendered. The remaining rebels are being hunted and have shut off the power to the entire city. Efforts are in progress to restore power currently but the rebels are one step ahead of Security. That's all I have gathered so far, I don't know much about the rebels' state, I haven't been able to establish contact yet."

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