The Ghost

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A/N: Sorry I wasn't able to update twice last month like i was hoping, but in my defense, February is the shortest month in the year. I'm probably going to be able to update again this month, since I've already got like half the next chapter written. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

And as always, enjoy.

"Hey Luddy, I got a letter from Mattie!" Gilbert announced, walking into the room. Ludwig looked up, and so did Erika and Natalya, who were engaged in a game of chess.

"That's nice," Ludwig said mildly.

"But-" Gilbert ripped the envelope open- "I think you'll want to hear what he says."

Ludwig raised an eyebrow as his brother pulled the letter out, unfolded it, and cleared his throat.

"My dear Gilbert,

"I have just sent a letter to King Ivan, but I think you shall receive this first. I have decided that the American Kingdom is going to ally with the Soviet Kingdom, and consequently, the Germanic Kingdom, in the coming war. Our army isn't as big as yours, but we will help out where we're needed."

Gilbert scanned the letter for a few moments. "The rest is, uh, private."

"Well that's great," Ludwig said. "We're catching up to the Baltics."

"That we are," Gilbert grinned, before wandering off again.

"Checkmate," Erika spoke.

Natalya turned her gaze back to the chess game. It was true; there was no way her king could evade capture.

"You win again," She conceded, and Erika's face lit up. "You're really good at this."

"Thank you," Erika replied, beginning to collect the pieces. "I play with big brother all the time."

Natalya sighed. That was been their fourth game of chess today, and Erika had won all of them.

"I don't mean any offence, but I am extremely bored," she admitted with a sheepish laugh. "Can we do something different?"

"Of course." Erika set the chessboard back in its box. "What were you thinking of?"

"Well," Natalya paused. "I wanted to go out and look for a ghost."

"Look for a ghost?" Erika repeated. "Why?"

Natalya shrugged. "Just to talk to it. They're quite interesting to talk to, if you earn their trust."

"How do we find one?" Erika asked. Natalya smiled.

"They usually inhabit old buildings. The older the building, the older the ghost in it will be. They like to find a place that reminds them of when they were alive."

"That's sort of sad," Erika mused. "But I suppose people that haven't moved onto the afterlife is a sad concept in itself."

"So do you want to find a ghost?"

Erika hesitated, then said, "Sure, let's go."

Natalya jumped up and practically skipped away, her mind already on which buildings would be best. Erika followed, slightly apprehensive.

"How will we know if we've found one?" She asked, as two servants helped them into jackets. "And how do we contact it?"

"I can see them," Natalya admitted. "They look different from normal humans. Their skin is rather greyish."

"Can everyone who practises magic see them?" Erika inquired further.

"No," answered Natalya. "It's just an ability I've always had. It's what pushed me to learn more about magic in the first place."

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