The End

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Toris sat at the head of the big conference table, smoothing out his tunic. Feliks sat to his right, shuffling through a pile of papers. Eduard was to his left, talking quietly to Raivis, who was beside him. Something had happened between them. Toris didn't know exactly what, but he had an inkling.

"How are you feeling, Raivis?" Toris asked him.

"Just fine." Raivis smiled at him, leaning forward to see Toris' face from behind Eduard. It'd only been two days since his leg had been amputated, but he was recovering quickly. He tapped the tile floor with his wooden leg. "I'm still getting used to this, but otherwise I'm great."

"Good to hear," Toris told him. Raivis and Eduard resumed their conversation. "Do we have enough places?" He asked Feliks.

Felids quickly counted the chairs at the table. "Fifteen chairs, including us. So we've enough."

"Alright." Toris blew air out of his mouth, fluffing his hair. "I'm so nervous."

Feliks rubbed his face. "Me too," he confessed.

After Prince Kiku told everyone about Ivan and Yao's affair, the Kingdoms were thrown into chaos. No one was even paying attention to the war, so no generals received orders and nothing got done. Thinking quickly, Toris had proposed a cease-fire and a conference between the leaders of all the Kingdoms and their spouses. To his surprise, everyone accepted the invitation. Whether it was from an actual desire to set things right or just because they wanted to gossip and start drama, Toris didn't know. With this one meeting, he could either set the Kingdoms at peace or cause three more wars. Needless to say, he was stressed.

A knock at the door made all four of them jump. Toris cleared his throat. "Come in," he called.

A servant stepped into the room. "King Ludwig and Queen Irina Beilschmidt have arrived, Your Majesty," she said.

"Thank you," said Toris. The servant nodded, ushered the couple inside the room, and withdrew.

Ludwig and Irina stood near the doorway, not making a move to sit down. They were dressed similarly, he wearing a slate-grey tunic and red pants, she wearing a red dress with grey fur trim. Ludwig seemed annoyed, while Irina simply seemed curious.

"Welcome," Toris said, his voice cracking embarrassingly. He flushed. "Irina, nice to see you again. Ludwig, nice to finally meet you."

Ludwig merely gave him a nod before taking seat. Irina gave him soft smile, and said, "you have changed since we last saw each other, Toris."

"I suppose I have," Toris mumbled. The room fell silent again.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, the servant opened the door again. "The American Kings are here with their spouses."

"Alright," said Toris.

Four people entered the room: Matthew with Gilbert on his arm, Alfred beside the two of them, and Kiku trailing behind.

"Welcome," said Toris.

"Thank you for inviting us," said Matthew cordially. Alfred gave a nod and a wave.

While Gilbert and Matthew went to talk to Ludwig and Irina, Alfred and Kiku sat at the far end of the table.

"I didn't know Kiku would be here," Feliks whispered to Toris.

"Neither did I," he replied.

"Do you think it'll be a problem?"

"I hope not, but it probably will be," Toris sighed. He snapped his fingers at an attendant off to the side. "Could you please fetch an extra chair? Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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