The mercy of the great wasp

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A/N: What is programming? Lawl. Seriously I don't know how to program so don't kill me for my made up codes.

One pointless morning Elgit’s father nagged him to get some fresh air. The weather was just awful. The sun was bright, the temperature slightly elevated, and a light breeze pushed the wind to his face. A scowl was firmly engraved into his brow. All he wanted to do was to go back and finish his program.

               The park was desolate. There weren’t any people in the vicinity. Not a single bird chirped, nor were there any critters to play with. A few plants decorated the landscape. For the most part it was grass that covered the park. To the far east there was a wimpy tree that crouched over about to fall. To the west of Elgit there was distinguished bench.

               Elgit relaxed himself onto the bench. He allowed the sun to bathe his face and the wind to tickle his flesh. He closed his eyes and tried to centre his thoughts. The freedom of the outdoors allowed his mind to wander. Eventually though, it went back to his program.

z-window [256];

                    int z;

fgets( input max, 256, stdin );

for ( i = 0; i < 256; z++ )


                                        if ( input[i] == '

' )


                                        input[i] = '\0';



x-window max [300]

                    rls x,

rls main

                    for (  i = 0; i < size; ++i )


                                        if (rls[i] ==[n+3 /] )

                                        input[i] = '\3';



               Just as he began computing the formulas he heard the steady thumps of a heel against the ground. He turned his head to the left towards the origins of the sound. A lovely young woman in a cloak of blue walked quickly in his direction. A defiant look was drawn on her face as she thrashed past the field of grass. The hem of her dress already dirtied from the mud.

               Out of nowhere a gargantuan monster wasp dived down. With its claws it kidnapped the young lady. The wasp dashed up with the lady in its grasp. The woman screeched in fear, flailing her arms wildly. Her howling reverberated throughout the park. Elgit leaped up from his bench in surprise. His eyes grew big. For a moment he wondered what he should do. But then he noticed the sun going down and decided to  head home instead.

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