12) Mulled Latte

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It was only a few days later when snow had begun to fall outside of 221b. It was Sunday morning when the first few flakes had fluttered past the glass: John was busying himself in the kitchen whilst Sherlock was perched besides the window.
"Sherlock," John's sing-song voice called as he made his way into the room, carrying two mugs of tea and a plate of toast.
He placed them down onto the table and slid one of the mugs over to his curly-haired roommate.
"Hey is it snowing?"
Sherlock glanced over at the blonde boy and casually nodded. John's face immediately lit up and he hurried over to the window, pressing his palm again the glass.
"You're not doing anything today are you?" He hummed?" Turning to the skinny boy.
Sherlock bit his lip.
"I don't think so," he replied, looking thoughtfully up at John.
A small grin crept onto the shorter boy's face.
"We should put up the Christmas decorations!" John exclaimed with a small laugh.
Sherlock's face fell into a slight frown as he watched the excited expression on his roommate's face.
"Decorations?" He asked skeptically.
In all of his years in Baker Street, Sherlock had never once put up a Christmas Tree or any lights. The festive period just simply wasn't one that he enjoyed.
"Yeah like a Christmas Tree and stuff," John continued, leaning back against the wall facing Sherlock.
His face suddenly broke into a warm smile.
"It'll be fun."
Eventually the skinny boy agreed, not because he particularly wanted to, but because he didn't want to upset John. Sherlock had noticed that he was a lot happier than the day before.

It was only a few hours later until both boys were out on the street; John dressed in his usual green Parker whilst Sherlock was dressed in his trench coat wrapped in his blue scarf. It was halfway through December now, and the high streets were packed with Christmas bargains and mock German markets. As Sherlock and John both turned the corner they were greeted with the sweet scent of mulled wine and the gentle snowfall from overhead.
"What first?" John called out over the loudness of the crowd.
Eventually, both boys eventually decided on the tree, Sherlock a little more reluctantly than John. They headed down to the end of the busy street and through to a large paddock packed with magnificent pine Christmas trees.
"Any of them take your fancy?" John asked with a small smile, digging his hands into his pockets and gazing around. Sherlock thought for a moment before pointing towards one.
"This one," he decided.
It was by far the largest of the group and the curly-haired boy thought that it would look rather good sitting in 221b.
"Nice," the blonde boy agreed, stepping up to a man stood besides a small shed.
"We'll have this one thanks."
John handed him the money and explained that they'd collect the tree later in the day. Next stop was to buy some ornaments.

The two boys bustled out into the busy street, trying to navigate their way through the crowds of people. They both were receiving a lot less attention then they were yesterday, most of the posters had now evidently disappeared, very much to John's delight. Him and Sherlock both made their way into the closest shop on the corner and stepped inside, greeted by the sudden blast of warmth. John followed the curly-haired boy up the stairs until they reached a section filled with different ornaments and decorations.
"They're nice," the blonde boy pointed out, nodding over to a collection of different scented candles. Sherlock leant back and gazed at John, chuckling slightly, a small smile creeping into his face.

The hours slowly passed and at midday Sherlock and John both made their way down the road, hands loaded with large shopping bags.
"Hungry?" John asked softly, turning to glance up at the curly-haired boy.
"Quite actually," Sherlock replied, giving a small smile.
He made his way over to a Starbucks across the road and held the door politely open for John. The blonde boy thanked him and slipped off his jacket, taking a seat besides the window. Sherlock slid down next in the seat opposite him and took a menu.
"What do you fancy?" He asked with a small smile.
John gazed down at the menu and gave a thoughtful hum.
"I'll have a gingerbread latte thanks," he decided, leaning back against his seat and glancing out of the window.
Sherlock took a final look at the menu before placing it down on the table.
"Caramel Frappuccino," he said, watching as John stood up and made his to the counter.
The curly-haired boy gave a small sigh and gazed out of the window. He watched for a moment as the snow fell onto the busy street but he was distracted by a ringing from his phone. Sherlock slipped it from his pocket and reluctantly accepted, holding the phone to his ear.
"What is it," he snapped, leaning back in his seat.
There was silence on the other end for a moment before a voice spoke up.
"It's about Christmas Day," Mycroft announced, causing Sherlock to roll his eyes.
"And you couldn't of told me later instead of now?" He complained, glancing over to John who was in the process of paying.
"Mother wants us all to visit her house. I didn't know how you'd feel about it."

Sherlock suddenly straightened in his chair, his eyes going cold.
"Mother?" He asked weakly, giving a small frown.
"I thought I already made a choice. Mycroft I don't want to see her."
He could just about hear the oldest Holmes brother sigh at the end of the phone before he replied snidely.
"Sherlock it was years ago. Just give it a chance."
The curly-haired boy glared at the phone and quickly ended the call, shoving his phone back into his pocket.
"Everything alright?" John asked gently, sitting down opposite from his roommate and handing him a drink.
Sherlock took his drink and gazed down at his name scribbled across the lid.
"Yeah," he replied cooly, sipping his drink.
John watched him skeptically for a moment before picking up his own drink. Sherlock's drink in-fact tasted delicious and both boys sat at the table for a few minutes in comfortable silence. When everything was finished, John stood up and eagerly took his roommate's hand. Sherlock gave him a surprised look but also stood up.
"Come on," John said with a wide grin.
"We've got a Christmas Tree to put up."

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