31) The All-Important Question

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One week in the sun was definitely a good idea for both boy's health. John spent most days on his sun lounger beside the pool, finishing the final draft of his novel whilst Sherlock spent his time messing about the pool and taking photos of the surrounding palm trees and mountains. The two also spent some time exploring the town, John eventually managing to persuade Sherlock into trying out the new food and the new culture. Spain was like heaven for both of them - an ideal place for them to just escape life for a little while. It was the second-to-last day of their holiday and John and Sherlock sat in comfortable silence together, watching as the mesmerising waves crashed down onto the sand. Next to them sat a tartan blanket, accompanied by a picnic hamper and an array of different food and drinks.

"So," John began, taking a sandwich from the plate and taking a large bite from it.
"Did you have any plans for tomorrow? I mean it is our last day here."
Sherlock thought for a moment as he lounged back against the blanket, closing his eyes in peace.
"I hadn't really thought about it," he mumbled, pushing back his mop of curls and sighing.
"Did you have any ideas then?"
The blonde boy smiled for a moment before beginning to pack away the remains of the picnic. He gently extended his arm as Sherlock took his hand, getting slowly to his feet. The two brushed the sand from their body as they collected up the hamper and the blanket, making their way up towards the pier. 
"I have a little something planned," John hummed at last, giving a small chuckle as he kissed the curly-haired boy bravely upon the cheek.


The last day of the holiday came as a large disappointment to Sherlock. He awoke early that morning and cautiously slipped out of bed as not to awake John, who was fast asleep bevy to him, snoring lightly. The curly-haired boy silently pulled on his dressing gown and slippers and made his way into the kitchen, pouring a cup of tea and taking it out to the poolside with him, sliding into a sun-lounger and taking a long sip. The sun was just beginning to rise, it's familiar orange glow peeking above the mountain tops, and there was not one cloud in the sky.

A few seconds later there came a slow creak of the back door and the sound of a muffled yawn, which revealed John, his hair sticking out at different odd angles as he clutched to a plate of toast.
"Morning handsome," he mumbled sleepily, sliding into the lounger besides Sherlock and taking a bite from his toast.
"Morning to you to, sleeping beauty," the curly-haired boy replied with a wide smile.
John gave a quiet chuckle at this as he rubbed his eyes, turning to face his boyfriend.
"So today I thought we could go explore the old town, I looked online and apparently there's a parade there today."
Sherlock nodded at this and placed his mug down upon the side.
"I'm up for that," he agreed, shooting a quick grin at the blonde boy before getting to his feet.
"I need to get dressed, but I'll meet you by the front-door in half-an-hour," he hummed, turning sharply on his heel and striding away. John watched the boy leave as a small smirk crept onto his face, his eyes filled with pride.


It was noon when Sherlock and John both arrived at the old town. Sherlock was dressed. In a crisp purple shirt, denim shorts, and a pair of flip-flops, whilst John was donning a plain white t-shirt and some cargo shorts. The curly-haired boy placed his hands on his hips as he gazed up at the crowd, trying to navigate his way through the sea of people.
"I never knew it could be so busy!" John cried over the deafening drum beats and the cheers of the crowd.
"Frankly neither did I," Sherlock chuckled, taking the blonde boy by the hand as he signalled towards a flight of stone steps leading up to a chapel.
"We can get a good view from there," he decided, pulling John along with him as he hurried swiftly down the cobblestone towards the large staircase. They both took a seat on the steps as they gazed out towards the parade, watching as red and yellow flags flew high in the sky as hundreds of people flocked towards the main square. Where Sherlock and John sat was noticeably quieter from the festival below; it was practically empty up there apart from a small chapel and a rustic ice-cream parlour.

"Fancy an ice-cream?" John piped up suddenly, gazing over at the curly-haired boy.
Sherlock glanced up, surprised, before nodding his head and giving a small smile.
"What one d'you want?" The blonde asked, getting slowly to his feet and fumbling around for his wallet.
"Mint choc-chip please," the boy hummed, giving a small yawn as he leant back against the stone steps. John beamed and nodded, giving his boyfriend a kiss before hurrying up the staircase towards the parlour. A minute later he returned, clutching to two large ice-creams before handing one over to Sherlock. John took a seat again and they sat in comfortable silence together for a while as they ate their food, listening to the roaring parade from below. Once they had finished, the curly-haired boy noticed that John was looking rather nervous.
"Everything okay?" He asked with a small frown, as the blonde boy slowly got to his feet.

"Sherlock," he began, his cheeks burning red as he gazed down at the curly-haired boy.
"You have changed my life since we first met and I cannot describe how much I love you..."
Sherlock's mouth suddenly formed an 'o' shape as he suddenly realised what was happening.
"But something isn't complete just yet," John continued, giving a shaky laugh as he bent down onto one knee, causing the curly-haired boy to clap his hands over his mouth.
"Sherlock Holmes, will you marry me?"

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