25) The Day Trip

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"I don't like surprises John can't you just tell me what it is?"
It was the next day at 221b; as the two boys waited patiently for their taxi, John dressed in a jacket and jeans whilst Sherlock in his usual trench coat, the sun beaming down upon them lazily, causing their shadows to dance around on the pavement. After the events of the day before, John had promised Sherlock a 'special day trip' to make him feel more relaxed and happier. Sherlock was initially against the idea but he soon he finally agreed to it.
"You'll just have to wait and see," John said with a sigh, leaning over to the curly-haired boy and planting a small kiss on his lips.
Sherlock finally broke into a grin as a slick black cab rolled up against the kirb as they both bustled inside, John whispering directions to the driver - a satisfied grin on his face.
"Are you sure about this?" The pale boy asked, leaning back in his seat and gazing out of the taxi window, feeling as John leant back against him, slipping his own finger's in between Sherlock's.
"Of course," the blonde replied calmly, resting his head against Sherlock's shoulder.
"I mean you deserve it."

It was about ten minutes before the cat eventually pulled up at the side of the road; John paying the cabbie before helping Sherlock out onto the busy street.
"What do you think then?" He asked nervously, gazing up at the building hopefully.
Sherlock's mouth opened into a small 'O' shape before he quickly tuned to the blonde boy, his face full of delight.
"You brought me to the aquarium," he mumbled excitedly, his blue eyes meeting with John's.
"Uh huh," John responded proudly, escorting his boyfriend up to the entrance.
"I reckoned that you'd like it."
"I love it," the curly-haired boy agreed sheepishly as the two made their way inside, making their way over to the front desk.
After John had paid for the tickets, he and Sherlock made their way towards the fish tanks, a wide grin on the skinny boy's face.
"What did you want to look at first?" The blonde boy asked, gazing at Sherlock with a sweet smile.
Sherlock thought for a moment before chuckling slightly.
"Surprise me," he decided.
"Okay," John agreed, pulling his phone from his pocket and crouching down next to Sherlock.
"Celebratory selfie?"
The curly-haired boy frowned in slight confusion before nodding his head with a small grin.
"If you must," he agreed, watching as John held the phone high in the air in front of them and snapped the picture.

"These are sand tiger sharks."
It was midday at Sherlock and John stood together at the shark tank, John pressing his face up to the glass in curiosity whilst Sherlock read out the information on the display boards.
"They aren't dangerous to humans apparently, only to small fish and squid," the curly-haired boy informed him, a slight look of disappointment on his pale face.
"Hm shame," John decided with a chuckle, watching with curiosity as a large shark passed besides the glass.
"I agree," Sherlock muttered, resting his chin sleepily in his hands and gazing at the fish.
It was a few seconds before he realised that the blonde boy was stood watching him, a warm grin displayed on his face.
"Is something wrong?" The curly-haired boy asked with a slight frown, watching him with his eyebrows raised.
"Nothings wrong, it's just you..." John began, his voice trailing off as his hazel eyes widened slightly.
"What about me?"
John chuckled momentarily before shaking his head.
"Everything about you," he replied, suddenly pulling Sherlock into a tight hug as their lips immediately pressed together. In those crucial seconds simply nothing mattered anymore; it was just Sherlock and John. The curly-haired boy slid his arms around John's waist as they both stood with their eyes closed enjoying the moment. It was just the two of them against the rest of the world.

At four o' clock, whilst the pair were observing a tank of stingrays, it was announced over the speakers that the aquarium would be closing in half an hour.
"Hey I've got something special planned okay Sherlock," John piped up, a look of excitement on his face.
"You'll just have to trust me okay."
To Sherlock's surprise the blonde boy held out his hand and graciously their fingers intertwined. John led the curly-haired boy down the building before the two finally came across the last animals for the day. The otters.
"Do you like them Sherlock?"
Sherlock stood there silently for a moment, his bright blue eyes widening in realisation as old memories from hospital flooded back into his mind.
"Otters..." the curly-haired boy mumbled as a small smile crept onto his pale face.
"I love them."
John laughed at this before nudging his boyfriend forwards.
"Good, because you get to go and meet them," he explained with a cool smirk, gesturing towards an oncoming keeper.
Sherlock's face lit up with immediate excitement, just like that of a small child, as he was led into the enclosure, John watching from the side in amusement.
"Smile Sherlock!" He chirped, holding up his phone and gladly taking a photo, chuckling slightly as Sherlock gazed around at all of the animals.
"Hey John this one looks like me," he said with a frown, pointing to one of the otters and breaking into a grin; it wasn't long before both boys had broken out into pure laughter.

"Thank you for today John," Sherlock mumbled as they made their way out of the aquarium, the orange glow of the sunset casting down upon their faces.
"No problem, as long as you enjoyed it," John replied with a sweet smile, sliding an arm around Sherlock's back.
"Anything for you Sherlock Holmes," he cooed, causing the curly-haired boy's cheeks to burn bright red.
Sherlock stopped suddenly in his tracks, turning to face the blonde boy before leaning down and planting a small kiss on his cheek.
"It means a lot to me."


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