30) Holiday for Two

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"A holiday; that's what we need Sherlock."
It was at last August and both Sherlock and John were down the local park, laying together on a picnic blanket as Sherlock read from his book on scientific elements. He was dressed in a crisp white, buttoned shirt and shorts whilst the blonde boy was in his vest and old army jeans.
"A holiday," Sherlock mumbled in response, only half paying attention to John as he flipped the page of his book.
"Where to exactly?"
The short man frowned for a moment before rolling onto his back and gazing up at the clouds, resting his hands on his chest.
"Wherever you like," he decided suddenly, giving a small smile.
"Surely there's somewhere you've always wanted to go?"
The curly-haired boy thought for a moment before taking a strawberry from the basket beside him and popping it into his mouth.
"Not particularly," he hummed with a small grin, gazing up at John.
"Did you have anywhere in mind?"
John bit his lip and turned to face Sherlock, opening his mouth to say something.
"Somewhere abroad I was thinking," he explained hopefully, watching as the curly-haired boy immediately peeked up in curiosity.
"You know, nothing outgoing or crowded. We could just rent a small villa somewhere with a pool for a week. What do you reckon?"

Slowly, Sherlock placed his book down onto the blanket and rolled onto his back, watching as John rested his head upon his chest, their fingers intertwining.
"One week, that's all," he decided, a small grin across his pale face.
The blonde boy tutted slightly before laughing, leaning in to kiss Sherlock on the lips.
"Sounds perfect," he purred, laying back down against the curly-haired boy and smiling gently.


The destination that both boys had agreed on was a small island just off of the coast of Spain. They had rented a small villa out and on the weekend morning in the middle of the month Sherlock and John made their way to Heathrow airport, suitcases in hand as they gazed around at the different signs and notices.
"So our plane boards in two hours," John read out suddenly, his voice full of clear excitement.
Sherlock nodded and bit his lip, turning to the blonde boy.
"And what do we do in the meantime?" He asked curiously, watching the many other families pass, most accompanied with bright, bubbly, young children - a sight that made Sherlock slightly disappointed, but of course he didn't show it.
"Well let's get our luggage sorted then we can go grab something in Costa?" The other boy suggested, beginning to walk down the busy floor as Sherlock hastily followed him.

The suitcases were quickly sorted out as John managed to find two remaining seats in the coffee shop.
"What do you want?" He asked the curly-haired boy softly, lingering by his chair.
"I'll pay for it."
Sherlock leant back momentarily before stifling a yawn.
"Just an espresso please John," he hummed, pulling out his phone from his jean pocket.
The blonde boy nodded before scuttling off over to the counter, leaving Sherlock sat on his own.
He leant back in his seat and carelessly unlocked his phone, scanning through for any new text messages. Unfortunately, the only one that he had received was from his brother Mycroft.

Leaving on holiday at last brother mine? Me and Gregory are very surprised -M

Sherlock initially took a double-tale at this as a wide frown spread across his pale face. However, John quickly noticed this as he returned to the table, carrying a large tray of coffees.
"Everything okay?" He asked thoughtfully, placing the tray upon the table and taking a seat opposite from the curly-haired boy.
Sherlock shot him a quick look as he passed over the phone. The blonde boy gave a quick gasp as he turned back to face Sherlock.

"Are those two dating?" He asked curiously, a small grin creeping onto his face as he handed the phone back over.
"My guess is as good as yours," Sherlock eventually decided.
He took a small sip of his drink as he gazed up at John.
"Oh shut up," John complained with a small laugh.
"You know the answer you're bloody Sherlock Holmes."
The curly-haired boy chuckled at this and shook his head.
"Of course they're dating," he muttered with a hint of a smile.
And suddenly, the two of them broke into a laugh, causing some rather confused looks from a couple of bystanders.
"I can't imagine Mycroft in a relationship," the blonde boy sighed with a small, raised eyebrow.
"Me neither," Sherlock agreed with a grin as he leant back in his seat, pocketing his phone and taking a last sip of his drink.
"But then again everyone used to call me cold-hearted and incapable of love," he pointed out matter-of-factly.
John smiled and shook his head at this, finishing off his drink as he leant over the table, pressing a soft kiss upon Sherlock's lips.
"We showed them eh?" He whispered proudly, slinging his satchel over his shoulder as he got to his feet.
"Now c'mon let's get ready to board."


It was an hour later as John and Sherlock sat together in the plane just before take-off, Sherlock's foot tapping nervously against the floor as he stared out of the window over-looking the runway.
"You alright?" The blonde boy asked thoughtfully, tucking his backpack away in the overhead lockers and gazing over at his boyfriend.
"I'm fine John," Sherlock agreed quietly, looking away sheepishly.
"I've just never flown before."
John immediately smiled at this; not a mocking smile but instead a reassuring one.
"Nothing bad is going to happen alright?" He hummed soothingly, leaning up against Sherlock and slipping his hand into the pale boy's.
"And I'm here for you."
The curly-haired boy chuckled at this and rested his eyes upon John.
"If you say so," he mumbled with a shy nod, turning back to face the window just as the captain began his announcement. The plane began to gain speed and soon it ascended into the air, surrounded by a blanket of clouds.


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