The aftershow

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Your POV

We waited to for the opening to end so the girls would come on stage. When they appeared everyone started screaming and freaking out. I couldn't help but notice how Lauren looked so sexy in her costume. I was practically drooling. I think i saw her a couple of times looking my way but it was probably my imagination. When i caught her looking at me she blushed and winked. I think my head is trying to fool me. After the show Lauren texted me

Lolo😘:Wanna hang out with us at the bus?

Y/N:Yeah of course

Lolo😘: Ok I'll send Big Rob to come and get you. See you soon!😜

Y/N: See ya!😋

Honestly she is so cute!! I'm literally laughing at my phone like a psychopath."Yo Y/N watcha laughing at?" Y/BF/N asks and tries to look at your phone but you quickly hide it "Nothing... Just.. Nothing" i said nervously "I know you're hiding something. Gimme your phone!" No why would i do that?" He tried to reach my phone but he couldn't. He tackled me to the ground and managed to get my phone "Who is "Lolo" and why are going to the bus!? Omg Y/N YOU HAVE LAUREN'S NUMBER AND SHE INVITED YOU THEIR BUS!!! He shouted and everyone looked at him like he's crazy "First of all she invited US backstage and couldn't you be more louder!!!''Then i saw a huge man who looked like a bodyguard and we both though that he was going to kick us out. To our surprise he smiled at us'' You must be Y/N and Y/BF/N. Well the girls did a pretty good job at describing you! Also i wanna thank you for what you did back there it was amazing!'' We were unable to move but Y/BF/N found the courage to say something ''Umm.. thanks.. I guess.. It was nothing we did what we though was right'' I mentally thanked him because i couldn't say a word ''So I'm big Rob and i'm here to take you to the bus so follow me and stay close the fans may get a little overexcited" I was confused but i followed him. When they saw big Rob everyone came towards us at full speed. They were disappointed that we weren't Fifth Harmony but they started to ask questions like ''Who are you?'' ''Are their relations?'' or even ''Are you their boyfriends?'' but we ignored them and made our way backstage. We arrived at the bus and big Rob knocked and we were greeted by an exhausted looking Dinah.''Hey big Rob! Hey guys! We were expecting you! She said, opened the door wider and motioned us to get in. We entered and saw the rest of the girls on the couch and i noticed Lauren grinning at her phone. I was confused and I'll admit a little jealous. Ok maybe a lot but i shrugged it off because it was none of my business. While I was thinking that my facial expression changed so Dinah and Y/BF/N noticed that and Dinah just smirked at me and Y/BF/N said''Why are you sad we are in the bus of Fifth Harmony! Come on lighted up a little!'' I didn't do or say something i was just frozen''Just let him be Y/BF/N he is just jealous that Lauren is grinning at her phone and she isn't texting him'' She said playfully'' WHAT?! NO OF COURSE I'M NOT!!'' I yelled. Then the girls saw us they all said hey and we hugged except Lauren who asked "What aren't you?" i froze not knowing what to say " W-what are you talking about? I asked frustrated "Oh you know what I'm talking about, you said you weren't something. What was that?" I didn't know what to say i was screwed "He was just jeal-" "NO!" I quickly cut her off and covered her mouth."It's nothing.. AHHHH!!" I screamed in pain" That's what you get for shutting me up!" She said angrily "Remind me not to piss you off" I said a little scared and everyone started laughing. " So what do you want to do?" Asked Y/BF/N. "We should play 20 questions to get to know each other!" Normani exclaimed. "Yeah why not.. even though Y/BF/N knows everything about you and made me learn everything too" I said a little angry because of that memory "Yeah about that..." He said nervously " Well we wanna know about you too Dawgs" Said Dinah and then we started the game

"Okay so let's start easy.. where are you from?" Asked Ally. "Really Ally.. I mean we both have a British accent.. it's too obvious.." said Y/BF/N sarcastically "OK well how old are you?" Asked Normani raising her eyebrows " Well I'm 21 and Y/BF/N is 20. He is still a young man" I said pinching his cheeks and everyone laughed at him "Hey I'm not that young!!" He said pissed"yeah OK whatever.

So the rest of the night went pretty much like that and we learnt some pretty interesting things that other fans don't know about the girls. Then we decided to play truth or dare which was a bad idea.

"So Y/BF/N I'm going to make you pay for what you did to me that morning... So who is the prettiest out of all the girls?" I said smirking "You can't do that to me!! You know I can't decide!!" He said frustrated " Well that wasn't what you told me the other night.. So just answer the question truthfully" I said smirking even cause I know he can't say it in front of them "come on Y/BF/N we won't be butt hurt cause we know it's me" said Normani laughing " Oh shut up Mani we know it's me" said Dinah flipping her hair " OK OK guys.. it's.. umm.. it's D-Dinah.. there I said it.." Dinah did a victory dance and the girls wiggled their eyebrows"I knew it" said Dinah proudly. So Y/N I'm going to get revenge now.. Truth or dare?" Said Y/BF/N smirking evilly "um.. Truth?" I said hesitating " is that a question or an answer Y/N" he said laughing "Okay.. So if you could kiss one of the girls who would it be?" he said smirking like a crazy person"I'm not answering the question!" i exclaimed "yes you are you made me answer yours so answer mine!!!" he said like it was no big deal " Okay.. okay.. so.. it would be...." i trailed off "JUST ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION Y/N ITS NOT THAT HARD!!" He said trying to push me "L-Lauren" i said above a whisper and he just smirked proudly. The girls all looked at me and Lauren blushed."Oooooo Lauren is blushing" Ally teased her and she buried her face in her hands so we wouldn't she her red cheeks."Okay so its my turn!!!" Dinah said "Truth or dare Ally" "DARE!!!" screamed ally. She was always happy and full of excitement. "okay i dare you to go to the balcony and scream 'Will you marry me' to the first stranger you see. Ally went out and screamed it so loudly my ears hurt and the stranger said yes but then walked away. Poor Ally she won't get married. Anyway we decided to watch a movie, a horror movie to be exact and i hate them but it has its perks. Lauren was scared so she came closer to me and cuddled up to me and every time she got scared she came closer and closer. I could feel her breath on my lips, it was so tempting I wanted to kiss her so bad. Wait i can't like her!? I'm just a fan!! I couldn't get my hopes up. But i swear i saw her eyes and she wanted it too. I might be delusional, maybe i should get that checked. A little bit after that i hear her breathing becoming even, and my eyelids getting heavier and heavier by the second. 

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