This is a Movement

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We feel the need to clarify exactly what this account is about, because some seem to be just a tad confused as to what we're really doing.

This community page is NOT a bullying account, as some may believe.

This account has NOT, singled anyone out or gone onto anyone's page to harass them, as many are doing to us.

This account was made in light of the after effects of what happened yesterday, but it is not an account to single anyone out or bully them. Again, this was pretty clear but we felt the need to clarify.

This account was made to stand up and call for change against Wattpad's policies when it comes to dealing with the many issues on this site, such as . . .

- Bullying
- Plagiarism
- The ineffective "mute" button

In regards to bullying, Wattpad has been sorely lacking in their ability to defend their authors and mount a true investigation to see who is truly in the wrong. The admins don't reach out and talk to the individuals, or ask for evidence. They merely tell you to report them and then mute them. When the consequence can be someone's books getting taken down, such things need to be taken more seriously. I have seen hate accounts last for days to weeks on this site without getting taken down, no matter how often people report them.

In regards to Plagiarism, Wattpad hardly has a policy at all against these people who are commuting actual crimes. They merely tell the author to report the stolen material, and proceed NOT to get it taken down right away. I have seen plagiarized books get reported and then they continue to stay up on this site for people to read for WEEKS. And if the plagiarizers steal another book, the same process repeats itself without any real consequences. If they have committed the offense more than once, they should not be allowed to continue being apart of this website. How is it fair that a book calling out plagiarizers for what they're doing gets taken down DAYS to WEEKS before the ACTUAL plagiarized book gets taken down? Do you see the logic in that? I don't.

And finally, the damn mute button.

This button does next to nothing if I'm being completely honest. The person you have muted is still allowed to read your books and see what you are doing. The whole point of us pressing this button is that we don't want any communication between the person we have muted. If they are muted then we have done it for a reason, and we don't want them looking at our books or seeing what we do or what we post on our message board. The mute button needs to be revised and refined, for the sake of everyone's sanity at least.

Lastly, to anyone who has consistently been commenting on our page and spreading hate and negativity, we want you to know that no matter what you comment, no matter what you say, this account will stand. Believe me we are being very careful when it comes to "following Wattpad's guidelines" so that this account is not deleted. If you have reported us for "bullying", Wattpad will find who is the true bullies, and you might find yourself surprised at the outcome.

This page is about getting word to Wattpad that it is losing the love of its people. I adore Wattpad, though I've only been on it for about a year. It became the one place I felt that no one would judge me for my disorders and for being the nerdy girl that I am. I have made so many friends on this site, and for those connections I will be forever grateful. But Wattpad's policies need to be revised for the sake of its users. We are here, this movement will not be silenced, and we won't stop until Wattpad hears what it's people have to say. We all want this to become a better place, because despite our differences, this is like a home to us. Despite what's been said, if you want to join the #FIXWATTPAD movement, we welcome you!!!

With Love,
- Lys, and fellow Renegades

We are the Rebels
We are the Misfits
We are the Outcasts
We are the R E N E G A D E S ! ! !

"Proud and Defiant, we'll slay the Giant,
Let us Seize the Day!"

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