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The biggest battle is over, and Lily's queenb816  Rant Book has been put back up!!!!

Through strenuous emails, this account and all of you, the battle against the injustice Lily went through has been won, and she's informed everyone on her profile that she will be reposting her books, so be prepared to spam her with a lot of love for the unbelievable amount of stress she has endured.

While this account was made in light of the events that led to her book getting deleted, again, this account was NOT made to hate on anyone involved in the situation. This account was made to fight against Wattpad's policy when it comes to dealing with such matters, as they unfairly dealt with Lily. Such as, why was Lily the only one in the situation who was punished? Why were the other people involved allowed to continue on as if nothing happened, when it was clear of who was the cause?

It is this policy among others that we strive to change.

This is only the beginning.

Thank you Lily, for being so incredibly strong, and thank all of you for making this possible.

Proud and Defiant,
We SLAYED the Giant,
We have Seized the Day

- Lys and fellow Admins

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