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Lana's POV  

‘Can I ask you a question?’ I ask Laura who’s currently organising the drink orders that had just been bought in. We both worked a small but popular bar. It was Friday and I knew this order would soon be gone in a few hours when revellers began to spill through the doors. Laura looks up from the order sheet.
    ‘Shoot’ she replies smiling.
    ‘Do you know everyone that went to Joe’s party on New Year’s Eve?’ I ask. Joe was her boyfriend and the guy who had thrown the party we had been at a few nights ago.
    ‘I guess most of them. The memories hazy to be honest I had way too much to drink’ she chuckles. ‘Why do you ask?’
    I hesitated whether I should tell her.  ‘Um there was someone there I recognised or she looked like she recognised me but I don’t know where from’ I shrugged nonchalantly.
    ‘Oh really? That’s weird. What’s her name? Maybe I do know her’ she asks whilst resuming the order form.
    ‘Ash… I mean Ashley. She was really pretty I mean like auburn hair, blue eyes, really nice dress…’ I trail off when I realised I sounded too gushing.
    ‘Oh yeah I know her’ Laura replies glancing up.
    ‘Really?’ I ask realising I sounded way too excited.
    ‘Yeah we’re actually friends, her and Joe are best friends, they go way back’ she mumbles concentrating on the order form once again.
    ‘Oh cool’ I try to sound more casual this time.
    ‘So she recognised you and you recognised her, but you don’t know her? Strange’ she continues mumbling to herself.  ‘Maybe I could get her down here later and you could talk to see where you know each other from. I’m sure Joe wouldn’t mind a night out either’ she says grinning to herself. I bet she was thinking what a genius plan she had just made up just so she could see Joe.
    ‘Yeah sure’ I reply. 

Ashley POV

   ‘Aww come on we totally need a night out’ Joe moans at me putting on his best puppy dog eyes.
    ‘And why are we going out again?’ I ask.
    ‘So we can spend some quality time together’ he grins.
    ‘And it would have nothing to do with you seeing Laura?’ I reiterate.
    ‘No of course not…’ he trails off.
    ‘So we don’t have to go to that bar then’ I add.
    ‘Ok it’s not only that, her friend thinks she knows you or something, you met at the NYE party apparently’ he shrugs.
    ‘Who did I meet at the party?’ I half mumble to myself. ‘Weird’ I add.
    ‘Her names Lana, she works with Laura’ again he shrugs.
    ‘Lana?’ I question to myself.  I would be lying to say that I didn’t know who Joe was talking about. I was wondering why she had asked Laura about me. The problem now was should I see her again and fuel my intrigue or not. ‘I guess I could spare a couple of hours. Charley is out tonight with some of her friends so maybe we could all meet up afterwards’ I shrug as if I was disinterested in the whole situation.
    ‘Yay tonight is going to be so much fun.’
    ‘You do realise Laura will be working?’ I add.
    ‘I mean it’ll be fun with you of course. And besides if she takes a little 5 minute break they won’t mind’ he winks.
    ‘Only 5 minutes?’ I laugh out loud.
    ‘Ahem well I guess you better get ready’ he coughs.
    ‘Why just me?’ I ask confused.
    ‘Because I don’t need 2 hours to make myself beautiful, because I already am’ he says smugly. I knock him lightly across his head.
    ‘Arrogant bastard’ I mumble.
    ‘What was that you said? That I am the greatest looking guy you know? Well thanks’ he grins full well knowing what I said.
    ‘Well considering you’re my only guy friend that would be pretty easy’ I retort.
    ‘Hardy har har’ he sticks out his tongue. ‘Ok let both of our beautiful selves get ready to make ourselves even more beautiful.’
    ‘Yes lets’ I laugh linking our arms and dragging him down the road.

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