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I had sat there staring into my coffee mug for what felt like hours in fact it probably had been hours as I took a sip of the now ice cold coffee.  I notice an old hand place a plate next to me, my eyes light up as I notice it’s a chocolate brownie.
   ‘Thanks Jean’ I smile as I look up at the elderly owner of the café I had come to know well. She had also come to know me perfectly as I take a look at the mouth watering chocolate brownie.
   ‘Don’t thank me’ she replies with a sad smile.
    I watch her leave, confused by what she had meant. I frown before launching into the still warm chocolate brownie. When did life become so depressing? I had sat in this exact spot about a year ago looking into what was probably the same coffee cup. The journey between those two points in time were crazy but the aftermath had resulted in me landing in this exact same spot. I hadn’t seen Lana for over a month and Charley for many more months. The last time I had seen her was with Phoebe all those months ago. I had started coming back to this café after I had left Lana but I had never seen Charley working here either. Jean had told me she had found a job closer to her campus just after we had split up.
   I peer at the corner of my eye a hand reach over with a cup of warm coffee replacing my cold one. ‘Thanks’ I mumble looking back down at the table.
   ‘Have you heard the clichéd story of how a girl works her way through uni on a waitress’s salary’ the familiar voice almost freezes me to the spot before she resumes. ‘She watches a girl come through the door for months and even memorises her order. One day the girl notices the waitress and they swap numbers. They begin to date and eventually they fall in love.’
   ‘Sounds like a clichéd love story’ I reply with a smile not looking up. ‘Tell me how does it end?’
    ‘One day the waitress becomes jealous and they split up.’
    ‘How about the part where the girl realises she made a huge mistake and goes to find the waitress but sees her with another girl?’
    ‘What if the waitress would have dropped everything if she had seen that girl? Anyway so the waitress comes back to work at the café she loved working at so much and spots her favourite customer almost as if no time had passed between then and their first meeting.’
    ‘And the ending?’ I ask.
    ‘The ending hasn’t been written yet.’

A/N As I had said this is the end of changing paths. Hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for taking the time to read I appreciate it :)

As always V x

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