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Solji and Leeteuk: Forbidden

We all have that one teacher that we just hate.

Literally hate.

For me, it was Mr. Park Jeong Su. I'm not saying that because he gives me too much homework, or he keeps explaining throughout the whole class and never gives us a rest for a second, no, I'm saying this because this idiot actually hates me.

Here are a couple of scenarios that will shock you a bit:

Last month, when he firstly started teaching us Physics, I was always silent, not a hint of a whisper would come out of me, but I asked my friend, Hani, for a sharpener and he turned to me with the most angry eyes a person could ever come across.

"Miss Heo, no talking in my class!" He shouted, glaring at me as he did so.

"B-but I asked for a sharpener a-and--"

"And talking back to the teacher now, are we? Detention for a week."

I open my mouth to protest, with tears in my eyes ready to fall anytime but he cuts me off.

"Any more words and I'll make it two weeks."

I was okay after that, I mean maybe he dealt with anger issues?

But after that incident by a week, he called my mother after seeing me not answering a question out of ten, and I may add that I was the only student who solved nine questions.

But no, because I didn't solve one I got a lecture from my mother. Whilst Jeonghwa, a girl in my class, solved none and he didn't even acknowledge her.

Two weeks ago, I came a minute late to his class, and he kicks me out before I could give him my late passage.

Lovely, isn't it?

Not to mention, the way he treats other students compared to myself. Yesterday, Hani was 10 minutes late and yet he still let her in, with a smile! A freaking smile!

So then, I decided that I completely hated Mr. Park Jeong su with a passion, or as he calls himself on Instagram, Leeteuk.

Yes, I stalked him because as much as I hated him, I still felt curious about him.

But today, everything changed.

I'm pretty sure that everyone and I mean everyone had that one dream about any person and suddenly their feelings changed towards that person?

I'm incredibly sad to say this you guys, but I dreamt about Leeteuk, and I have no idea how my perspective of him changed and I woke up all giddy over him.

When I entered his class today, five minutes early, I couldn't look at him or even glance. Normally, I would be glaring at him before I enter the school for God's sake.

After the class started, he began explaning and my eyes were basically glued on my blank paper, I was too afriad to meet his eyes. I don't know what that dream did to me. It's like his name owned my thoughts and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Solji, would you like to answer this question?" A voice cut me off of my never ending thought, making me startled.

"Uh, um," I swallowed nervously, staring at the graph on the board, with the question already placed next to it.

I honestly couldn't answer. And this was coming from a top student.

It was because this incredibly annoying hot teacher was on my mind throughout this class and there was absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing, I could do about it.

"I- I don't know, sir," I whispered, my eyes glancing on him the on the ground.

He sighed, rubbing both of his eyes with his fingers, before muttering, "That's fine, Solji. Make sure it never happens again."

But it happend.

Again, and again.

I just failed to get him out of my mind!

Until we did the very first quiz, and I ended up failing, for the first time since I was born.

I stared at the paper in complete shock, not believing what was in front of me. This is...this can't be real.

"Solji, see me after class," Mr. Park Jeong Su said.

After I went to him, I was met with something that shocked me to the point where I could've fainted.

"Miss Solji, you've failed this quiz yet managed to get full marks in every other subject. The principal saw that, and since you were the top student for each passing year, he had requested you to take private classes with me after school in the library, alone."

Oh hell no!


There will be a part 2 ! Stay tuned ! Xoxo

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