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Jeonghwa and Chanyeol: The Player

I hated him so much.

We were both idols in this crazy industry, and we both were obligated to maintain a good image. Yet all he does was basically dating every female idol out there with no fear whatsoever.

I should know about that, since he broke the hearts of two of my best friends.

I'm honestly glad that the other EXID members are all dating and not interested in satan himself.

If you didn't know who I'm talking about, it's the one and only, Park Chanyeol.

He's the worst person to ever exist. Acts cute in front of cameras then continue his journey of breaking hearts.

Why does he do it anywhy? Where's the enjoyment of falling in love and dreaming of having a family and a furure life with one person?

Ugh. Just the thought of him could make my blood boil.

Speaking of the devil, there he was, walking the same hallway as I am. We were both promoting at the same time.

"Oh, hey there," Chanyeol said as soon as he saw me, and I couldn't resist not to roll my eyes.

"Don't talk to me," I snapped causing him to stop walking and giving me a look full of surprise. Even his mouth was formed in a little "o".

I just ignored him and kept walking. I don't care if I was being disrespectful to a member who's a part of the biggest band in Korea, I'm still never forgiving him for breaking my friend's hearts.

When I heard footsteps follwing me again, I managed to roll my eyes again, knowing that it was him. Honestly, I feel like my eyes will roll out of my head because of Chanyeol.

"Wait--I didn't even--"

"I'm not intrested." I replied, my eyes still glued ahead as he struggled to keep up with my pace.

I heard him chuckle then stand right in front of me, with a smirk as he pushed his hair behind.

"Believe it or not, but you've hypnotized me. And I couldn't help myself but to ask if you were free this Saturday."

"No," I faked a smile.

He looked taken back, "Uh, when are you free?"


Then realization hit his face, "Ah, so you're not single?"

"I am, actually. It's just..." I stopped for a major dramatic affect, "I'm not intrested."

His eyes widened at once as I gave him one last victory smile before walking away and heading to EXID's dressing room, not knowing I left the most shocked person on Earth standing right behind me.


I had just walked backstage after the girls and I finished our performance. It's been a week since that Chanyeol accident and I'm glad to say that we never saw each other after it.

As we made our way to the dorm, our manager opened the doors and gasped causing us all to see what has made him surprised too much.

I looked in surprise as every inch of our dorm was filled with red roses. I placed my hand to cover my mouth in shock as I walked inside followed up by the girls.

"Who would do this?" Solji asked, in a low tone as she picked up one of the cards on the roses. Her face then was priceless.

"Oh my God, Jeong these are for you!"

The apartment was filled with different sounds that were let out in surprise.

"From who?"

"Chanyeol, apparently." LE answered as she waved a diffetent card than the one Solji had in my face. I snatched it from her and my eyes wandered around the written words.

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