LE&Suga(Part 2)

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LE&Suga: How Could You (Part 2)

"Why did you break up with me? You didn't give me a reason that night." I cut him off, my eyes still glued on the sky.

He stared at me for seconds, just stared without a word. "It was probably the biggest mistake I've made in my whole life." He whispered, "I thought my feelings for you changed and I thought maybe I should start dating other girls," He took a deep breath.

"I—then I found myself empty two days after our breakup, I kept asking myself, what have I done?" He scratched the back of his neck. "I love you, always have and always will." He pushed a locket of my hair behind my ear.

I glanced at him to see honest tears visible in his eyes, and I didn't know what to do. I missed him badly, more than anyone could ever imagine, and knowing him, what he said was completely true.

What should I do?

I glanced at him before turning my gaze into the sky again. I sighed deeply then shock my head. I couldn't do it. He hurt me, too badly. I suffered for months while all he he did was going out with other girls.

"N-no. I can't do this, I'm sorry," I replied, standing up from where I was sitting and walking out of the park as fast as I could, while trying to ignore his voice calling me from behind.

I teared up on the way home, a little bit. I couldn't believe that he was asking for forgiveness.

I texted my closest friend, Mir, to come over and cheer me up. He immediately responded with "I'll be there in 20 minutes with food!"

I went home and just cried, which seemed like the only thing I did these days.

After exactly two hours, two knocks were heard on my house's doors and I  rose up from my position on the bed in surprise. I wasn't expecting Mir to come this early. I made my way downstairs and hurried to open the door, to see no one but Yoongi outside.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Please Hyojin, just let me inside and we'll talk about this more okay? Please."

It was unusual of him to beg, so I justed nodded and walked inside, him following and closing the door behind him.

"Please, you don't understand how much I'm hurting without you. I really want nothing right now but you. I would give up everything LE, even if you want me to give up creating music. Just please, comeback to me. I need you." He spoke, his eyes holding an emotion that seemed stronger that regret.

I sighed, "I--"

Before I can say anything else, I instantly felt his lips against mine, and Immediately felt a rush of longing and excitement. I placed my hands on his chest to push him but he was too strong, and I eventually gave in to his lips.

When he finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine while the both of us breathed heavily.

"Tell me you don't miss that," he mummbled, his hand creasing my cheek.

I stood there, not saying anything until I heard knocks on my door.

"LE, open the door you're taking to long!" Mir's voice was heard from outside and Suga looked at me with confusion and hurt. "It's the love of your life, c'mon open up!" He exclaimed before laughing.

Suga then walked a few steps backwards and looked at me with something I couldn't put my finger on.  "Love of your life?" He asked quietly, his eyes turning dark.

"Does he know that I just kissed you?" He asked now, not so quietly as before.

"Yoongi calm down he's just--"

"This is why you're not forgiving me, right? Because there's someone else? God, I knew it!" He paced, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Just shut up! He's just a friend and we always joke like this!" I huffed, turning away from him and heading to open the door.

"Guess that we're not alone," Mir whispered to me as soon as I opened the door and I nodded my head as a response.

"Can't believe you kissed him," He laughed quietly while I playfully hit him on the shoulder.

I walked towards the living room where Suga immediately started glaring at Mir who stood next to me, holding bags filled with food.

"Uh, hi!" Mir smiled, waving his hand awkwardly.

Suga nodded at him then turned his attention towards the watch on his wrist.

"I guess it's getting pretty late. I'm going to leave then," Suga announced, making me frown. I actually wanted him to stay for a bit.

"O-okay. I'll walk you outside," I mumbled, loud enough for the both of them to hear it.


The next day, I woke up from a night that I barely slept it. My thoughts were filled by Min Yoongi and there was nothing I could do to stop it. It's like he owned those thoughts and all I could do is give in.

I opened my phone to see three missed calls from him, I rolled my eyes and called back to see what he wanted.

"Hey, meet me at the part after ten minutes. I need to tell you something." Suga said, his voice laced with nervousness. And before I could answer, he hung up.

I sighed and got ready, and after ten minutes, I was making my way to the park where I saw something that made my heart drop.

Roses were placed forming a heart, and my insides warmed at the sight of him standing in the middle with him holding a sign made of music notes that spelled:

Forgive me?

And I just nodded, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks.

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