Chapter II

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Daniel went back to the gift shop, then goes to the shopkeeper. "I'd like the flute, please." Daniel said, giving her the 15 coins. "Of course, sweetie. Here you go." The shopkeeper gives Daniel the flute.

"Thank you, ma'am." Daniel thanked. Daniel left the gift shop and went to see his sister at the farm with her friends. As Daniel came to the farm, he sees Rose playing with her two friends, Katie and Denise.

"Happy Birthday, Rose." Daniel smiled, giving Rose the flute. Rose gasped. "Aww, thank you, Daniel." Rose smiled as well. Rose played whimsical music as she blows smoothly through her flute, placing her fingers randomly on the vowels.

Daniel, Katie and Denise applauded to her music. "That was great!" Daniel exclaimed. "Thanks, little brother." Rose said. A moment later, a large group of bandits started yelling, raiding into Grassania Village. "Oh, my gosh! Run!" Rose yelled.

Daniel and Rose ran together to get to their house. Rose' s friends went to a different direction to hide. "Hurry!" Rose told Daniel. Daniel ran as fast as he can, then a huge explosion occurred near a house, causing Daniel to fall.

"Daniel! You have--" The large chunks of burning wood separated Daniel and Rose. Daniel ran and ran to find a spot to hide from the bandits.

Daniel found a barrel near the gift shop and went in to hide. Daniel took a peek from the barrel to see if the bandits left, but he saw a mysterious man, wearing a red robe with a white mask, watching the bandits causing destruction and attacking the villagers.

Later on, the day became night, the bandits cheered for destroying the village and left, including the mysterious man. Daniel came out of the barrel with fear, seeing all the burning houses around him.

Daniel headed back to his house to find his dad and his sister. Daniel couldn't find his sister, but he found his dad dead on the ground with an arrow in his chest.

Daniel started to cry after what he saw. A moment later, a man came up to Daniel, wearing a white cloak with a blue trim. "I'm sorry you had to see this, son. But, we have to go..." The man said.

"Who...are you?" Daniel asked, sniffling. "My name is Saridus, Leader of the Grassanians. Take my hand." (SAHR-UH-DIS) The man replied. Daniel took his hand, then blue magic swirled around them, teleporting them somewhere.

They teleported to a place called Grassvale. "Welcome to Grassvale, son." Saridus welcomed Daniel. Daniel became a little amused from the magic, but still feels upset. "Let me take you to the grandmaster, Ganerious. (GAH-NEER-EE-UHS)" Saridus said.

Saridus and Daniel walked to Ganerious's Guild. As they got there, they went inside. The grandmaster, Gamerious, was looking at large map on a table.

"Ganerious, I've found a new soldier." Saridus said. "Ah, a new pupil in our group." Ganerious said, smiling. Daniel became a little nervous about meeting new people.

"Don't be shy, young one. What is your name?" Ganerious asked. "Umm...Daniel." Daniel replied. "Ah, nice to meet you, Daniel." Ganerious gave him his hand for a handshake. Daniel kinda felt nervous, but he shook his hand.

"I'm sorry about your family, but we'll take good care of you. There's a room upstairs for you and your new roommate, Jenny. She's in the woods, defeating beetles right now, but you'll see her in the morning." Ganerious said.

"Here, I'll take you to your room. Follow me." Saridus said. Daniel followed Saridus upstairs, then goes to his room. Daniel went inside and laid on his bed.

"Goodnight, Daniel." Saridus said, then closed the door. Daniel sobbed about seeing all the destruction in Grassania Village and his father's death.

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