Chapter V

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Daniel and Jenny became more stronger than ever after five years at The Grassville battlegrounds. Daniel and Jenny helped a lot of villagers by doing their chores. Daniel still remembered what happened in his childhood since then.

Jenny has always been a good friend to Daniel; fighting, helping, and hanging out all the time. Ganerious gave Daniel and Jenny a regular sword since they're old enough to use one.

Today, Daniel and Jenny are challenging each other by striking their swords at each other at the battlefields in the morning. "Come on, Daniel, put more effort into it." Ganerious informed him. "I know, Ganerious. I'm trying my best." Daniel said.

"Show me what you got, Daniel." Jenny said, smiling. "As you wish." Daniel chuckled then swung his sword at Jenny. Jenny parried her sword against Daniel's sword and they both started struggling. Daniel knocked Jenny's sword out of her hand.

"Whoa..." Jenny said surprisingly. "Heh, heh. I'll...let you pick it up." Daniel insisted. "Th-thanks..." Jenny said nervously, slightly blushing. "Well done, Daniel." Ganerious said. "Thank you, Ganerious." Daniel said.

"Now, both of you are ready to perform archery. It requires strength, patience, and accuracy." Ganerious said. "Great! We can do this!" Jenny exclaimed. "That's the spirit, Jenny. You have to have confidence as well." Ganerious added.

Ganerious took Daniel and Jenny to the training dummies to practice archery. "Here you go, soldiers. Your very own bow and here are some arrows." Ganerious gave Daniel and Jenny their bows with arrows.

Daniel and Jenny got into their positions and pulled their arrows back against the string of their bows. Daniel exhaled slowly, hearing his heart beating slowly, then releases his arrow. The arrow perfectly hit the center of the dummy's head as it whooshes into the air.

"Excellent, Daniel!" Ganerious exclaimed. "Thanks." Daniel said. "Wow..." Jenny said, amazed by Daniel's talent, blushed. "Heh, heh..." Daniel blushed, turned his head around, trying to hide his face. "Ahem, Jenny. It is now your turn." Ganerious reminded her.

"Ahem, yes, of course." Jenny got herself focused. Jenny pulled her arrow back against the string of her bow, exhaled slowly, hearing her heart beating slowly, then releases her arrow. The arrow also hit the dummy' s head perfectly in the center.

"Whoa..." Daniel said surprisingly. "Excellent! You both quickly mastered archery!" Ganerious exclaimed. "You're now ready to learn the most powerful skill. It requires focus, accuracy, and will power. The skill you both are going to learn is sorcery." Ganerious said.

"Yes!" Daniel exclaimed happily. "Now, I will give you the lighting bolt spell." Ganerious gave Daniel and Jenny the power of lightning. Ganerious casted lightning into their hands, surging it into their veins without any harm.

"Whoa..." Daniel and Jenny looked at their hands surprisingly. "Now, clear your mind. Then, imagine yourself casting lighting at your worst enemy." Ganerious told them. Daniel closed his eyes and saw the man in the red robe, wearing a white mask.

Daniel sees himself casting lightning at him then the man got shocked. Daniel opened his eyes. Daniel's eyes glowed blue then casted lightning at the dummy. The dummy burst into flames then Daniel's eyes went back to normal.

"Impressive, Daniel." Ganerious said. "You're next, Jenny." Ganerious added. "Okay." Jenny closed her eyes, clearing her mind, then imagines herself casting lightning at the man with the red cloak as well. Jenny's eyes glowed blue as well then casted lightning at the other dummy as well, bursting it into flames.

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