Chapter VIII

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"Ivan! Leave Grassville now! And don't come back!" The Grassville King demanded. "I don't think so, old man. I came here to "celebrate" your "powerful" knights with my friends." Ivan said, bringing big trolls inside the castle. The loud stomping of the trolls with their huge maces caused fear to the villagers.

The villagers started to become terrified of Ivan and his trolls. "Call your henchmen off, Ivan. We don't want to make this difficult..." Ganerious demanded. "Oh, I'm not gonna cause a little reign of terror here; my friends will." Ivan said, grinning evilly.

"But, I will call them off for just one thing..." Ivan said, making a deal. "No! I will never give you my Grand Master Emerald! Never!" The Grassville King refused. "So be it, then. I'll be gone for now...but let my friends have fun "celebrating." " Ivan grinned evilly, teleporting out of the castle.

The trolls roared ferociously then charged at the king. "Knights of Grassville! Attack!" The Grassville King commanded Daniel and Jenny. Daniel and Jenny yelled and then charged at the trolls with their long swords out. The first troll tried to slam Daniel with his mace, but Daniel jumped to the left and dodged his attack.

Daniel ran up the troll's arm and stabbed his neck with his sword. The troll roared in pain then fell onto the ground. "Daniel, I need your help!" Jenny yelled. "Okay!" Daniel jumped off of the first troll.

The troll roared then tried to smash Daniel and Jenny but the both jumped to the right to dodge his attack. Daniel and Jenny got into a position to cast lightning. Both Daniel's and Jenny's eyes started glowing blue then a large blast of lightning came out of their hands and casted them directly at the second troll's face.

The troll got electrocuted and fell onto the ground, groaning in pain, slowly dying. The villagers cheered for Daniel and Jenny for slaying Ivan's trolls. Daniel's and Jenny's eyes turned back to normal. "Well done, knights! You save the village once again!" The Grassville King exclaimed.

"Thank you everyone. We appreciate helping you all." Jenny said. "Hopefully, Ivan doesn't come here again." Ganerious said. "What was the Grand Master Emerald? Why did Ivan want to get his hands on it?" Daniel asked, putting his sword away.

"My Grand Master Emerald is one of the most powerful gems in Grassville. It contains all the pure energy I've put into. The Emerald could easily convert into a negative energy if someone who is chaotically evil like Ivan. If Ivan ever got my Emerald, he can contain my powerful pure energy, convert it, and use it to take over the world." The Grassville King explained.

"Oh, my gosh..." Daniel said, shocked by The King's story. "Indeed, this is why I have to protect at all costs. It is very powerful." The Grassville King said. "What do we do now?" Jenny asked.

"You can go around the world and help other people if they need it. We will be able to protect ourselves on our own. Go now. And, we'll never forget you." Ganerious commanded Daniel and Jenny.

"Okay, come on, Jenny. We must leave..." Daniel said. "Okay. Goodbye, everyone...we will miss you as well..." Jenny said farewell to the crowd. The villagers and soldiers said their farewells as well.

"Oh, I almost forgot. There is a place called Oakville. It's in the east of Grassville. The villagers over there need your help." Ganerious reminded Daniel and Jenny. "Great, we'd be happy to help them." Jenny said.

After Daniel and Jenny said their farewells to the crowd, they left the castle, and started traveling to a new place to help other villagers called Oakville.

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