/1/ And Thus, a Team is Formed

255 27 4

JULY 29, 2017
9:25 PM EST
Okay, so maybe chasing after her father and attempting to take down a dangerous Mexican drug cartel wasn't exactly how she wanted to spend the night of her homecoming dance, but hey, at least she was getting some type of action.

Most people in their right minds would wonder how a fifteen year old girl could have possibly found herself in such a crazy and dangerous situation, but for Artemis this was a normal Saturday night. According to her calculations and research, her father was set to be attending the deal tonight.

Again, some people might ask: "Well, why is a fifteen year old girl trying to track down her father at a drug deal?" Well, Susan, the answer is quite simple: because Lawrence Crock is a crazy, manipulative, and villainous dead beat of a father that needs to be stopped.

Does that tickle your fancy, Daryl?

At this point in a stakeout, Artemis usually would have called it a night. Her father was a no-show, and the goons seemed to be extra-armed tonight. Artemis decided it wasn't worth it.

That was, until she saw them: Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash. Really, again? Last time she saved their asses she had nightmares about those damn monkeys for weeks!

And this time they were accompanied by a shirtless boy and a...green girl? Who the hell were they?

What she needed was a closer look. Artemis took out her binoculars from her belt, getting a clearer view of the situation. Four out of the five heroes were wearing what Artemis guessed to be inhibiter collars, taking away their powers and ultimately rendering them useless.

Robin seemed to have given up on escape, his gear probably taken away.

Artemis backed further into the darkness, watching as the team of side-kicks struggled against their ties and collars.

She scoffed, "You'd think they were trained better than this."

"Some things are just too easy, huh?" Said a voice from behind her.

Artemis whipped her head around, gasping as a hand yanked her off the ground from her long, blonde ponytail.

He dragged her down the hill as she struggled, punching and lashing at his arm. He cackled at her annoyance. "Looks like we have another one from this group of brats." Said the goon, forcing her to face him by lifting her up by her hair once again.

Artemis scowled, spitting in his face.
The man instantly flung her to the ground, causing her to cry out in pain as she landed on some rocks.

"Uh, no offense, Mr. Goon, Sir. But she's uh, not...with us." Said Kid Flash awkwardly. Artemis looked up from her place in the dirt just in time to see Robin elbow him violently.

"Great," said another goon, grabbing her face. "Who sent you and why?"

She spat in this goon's face as well, the exchange ending in her earning a slap to the face. "You don't wanna talk? Fine by me, we can have other sorts of fun, chica."

"Just tie her up with the rope," said the first goon, "we're out of the damn collars!"

He grabbed her by the forearm, wrapping a thick rope around her. Artemis felt the green greasepaint around her eyes sweating off, which wasn't a good sign. How much did these goons know about Sportsmaster? His family? Had Artemis met these assholes before?

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