/3/ Sometimes Fate is a Funny Thing

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Do you ever wonder why some things just...happen? About how events occur, and you never really understand why, until you do? Well, now was one of those moments for Artemis...

3:34 PM EST

"Okay, Artemis. It isn't that bad. Just a few stab wounds. You've gotten worse- you'll be fine."

The blonde attempted to sit up just as a scorching pain swept through her body.

"Shit! Not fine- totally not fine!"

Of course she had to jump in and save the day. Why wouldn't she? She had formed a habit of harming herself for the sake of others. She was beginning to think her one sole purpose in life was to die a heroic death (though her father would probably call it an idiotic one).

"Careful, Artemis. Your hero complex is showing." She scolded herself, whimpering slightly as she slid towards her bag.

She rummaged through its now scattered contents, looking for her phone. Her fingers stretched and finally were able to wrap around the black device. She unlocked it with her fingerprint, clicking on her contacts. Now she just had to figure out who to call.

Her mother? Definitely not.

M'gann? She didn't feel like being smothered right now.

Kaldur? She didn't want to make him worry and she knew he'd try to scold her.

Robin? He'd probably end up telling Bats.

Conner? Did he even have a phone?

Her finger hovered over the "Baywatch" button. She hesitated. Pros? He'd be here in a flash, literally. Cons? He's Wally. She decided that the positives outweighed the negatives.

Groaning, she pressed the call button and pressed the phone to her ear.

Artemis could practically hear the smirk in his voice. "Harpy! To what do I owe the pleasure-"

"-Wally." She gritted out, teeth clenched. "How fast can you get to Gotham North High? I, uh, think I need help."

He must of sensed the pain in her voice because suddenly he was serious. "I-I'm on my way."

Artemis groaned as she saw the red and yellow streak getting closer and closer.

"Are you crazy? Trying to save the day in your civies?" Was the first thing he said as he came speeding down the hill.

Artemis rolled her eyes, attempting to sit up. "I could've handled it!"

He knelt beside her, helping her get to her feet. "So could've we! Do you have a death wish or something?" Wally yelled. He stopped and thought for a moment. "You know what? Don't answer that. Of course you do."

Artemis scoffed, "I saw a guy with a knife walking my school's hallways! Of course I acted on impulse!"

"So you radio a warning, maybe call for backup!" Scolded Wally, his hands on his hips. She would've teased him if he wasn't being so annoying right now.

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