/5/ What Have I Got to be Thankful For?

72 16 3

NOVEMBER 22, 2017
3:30 PM EST

"So, whose excited for Thanksgiving?" Asked M'gann, pulling out a fresh batch of cookies from the oven.

Wally grinned, speeding over to scarf down the chocolate chip cookies. "You know I am, Megalicious!"

"I assumed as much!" Laughed M'gann. "What about you, Connor?"

Connor didn't look away from the static tv as he spoke. "Thanksgiving is based off of white people who stormed in and took Native American land."

Artemis raised a brow. Who knew the boy who was technically born just a few months ago knew so much about american history?

"Oh." Said M'gann awkwardly. "I didn't know that."

Connor shrugged, flipping to another static channel.

"How about you, Kaldur?" Asked M'gann, changing the subject.

"I'm very excited. We don't celebrate such holidays in Atlantis." Said Kaldur, "Will you be cooking?"

M'gann nodded. "With some help from Black Canary, of course."

"I, for one, am very excited. Mostly because of the fact that I've got something up my sleeve for a certain speedster..." smirked Robin, his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses.

M'gann shook her head fondly, turning to Artemis. "You've been quiet, Artemis. Are you not excited for the holidays?"

Artemis shook her head, adjusting her position in her seat. "I'm gonna have to agree with Mr. Encyclopedia over there." She said, gesturing to Connor. "Also, I'm just not a big fan of this time of year."

"What?!" Said Wally, flying into the chair next to her. "How can you not like the holidays?"

Artemis shrugged again. "I never really celebrated them much as a kid. I had other stuff to worry about." Plus, her mother had been in jail for the past 6 holiday seasons, and her dad never got her anything. The only 'gift' he would give her was the gift of endless training and torture.

"Other stuff to worry about? Like what?" Wally pried, attempting to get some information out of her.

"None of your business, Kid Nosey." Quipped Artemis, walking over to the sink to rinse her dish.


"Artemis, are you gonna come down and watch the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special with us?"

"Gee, Wally. It pains me to say this, but I'm gonna have to pass on the offer." Said Artemis, flipping through her Teen Vogue magazine.

"Come on, it's my birthday!" Complained Wally, stomping his foot like a little kid.

Artemis rolled her eyes, "Baywatch, your birthday was two weeks ago."

"So? You never said happy birthday, harpy! You owe me this!"

Artemis slammed her magazine down onto her bed. "I don't owe you or anyone else, for that matter, anything. You got that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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