/2/ Even Harpies Need to Feel Welcome

191 24 3

AUGUST 30TH, 2017
5:30 PM ESTD
It's been about a month or so since Artemis had joined the team, and to say that they were still working out the kinks in the team dynamic would be an understatement.

As the team had come to learn, Artemis had a severe case of trust issues. Sure, she listened to instructions and never missed training or any missions, but M'gann had always gotten a gnawing feeling that the blonde was hiding something. Nevertheless, nobody questioned anything.

The Martian decided that the first step of helping Artemis open up would be to make her feel more welcome. "Hey, Artemis!" Said M'gann one day after training, "What would you think about decorating your room here at the cave this week? Wouldn't that be fun?"

"Uh, sure." Said Artemis, not wanting the green girl to feel bad. She had to admit, though, that her room was pretty depressing. Even more depressing than her room at her run-down apartment in Gotham, if that was even possible.

M'gann squealed in delight. "Perfect! We can get started tomorrow after training! This is going to be so fun!"

Artemis sighed as the girl flew off, her excitement practically radiating throughout the cave.

Robin snorted from beside her, "I give you about half an hour in a department store with M'gann before you break."

Wally huffed. "No way, 15 minutes, easy!"

"5." Mumbled Superboy, continuing to watch the static on the television.

Artemis rolled her eyes, "Knock it off. As much as it irks me, she's trying to be nice."

"So the harpy does have a heart!" Teased Wally, munching on some type of sandwich.

"At least I can last 10 minutes without scarfing down a meal!" Quipped the blonde, riled up by the new argument.

Wally groaned. "Hey, I can't help it! It's not my fault I have a fas-"

"-a fast metabolism!" Finished the rest of the team.

"Yeah, Kid Doofus, we know." Said Artemis, stealing a chip.

Wally gasped in horror as the blonde grinned and strutted away, munching on the salty potato chip. "She's the devil incarnate!"


So that's how Artemis spent the following rainy Wednesday night, roaming around Happy Harbor's one and only Home Goods.

"So, Artemis, any color schemes you have in mind?" Asked the auburn-haired girl as she maneuvered the red cart around the thin isles of the Pillows and Throws section.

Artemis played with the hem of her green sweater, "Not really. Just nothing too flashy, okay? The last thing I want to see after a long mission is a bright pink room with zebra print throw pillows."

"No pink, no zebra print. Got it!" M'gann grinned eagerly as she examined a few pillows.

Artemis decided to give the Martian some space as she mentally designed Artemis's room for her, wandering towards the Wall Art section.

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