Chapter 4

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The moon was just beginning to peak into the darkening sky when Sang-di pulled into the underground parking garage located under Taisho Tower. With headlights on, the car wound its way around the garage until they'd reached the security gate leading to Lord Sesshomaru's private parking area. Nodding his head in the direction of the guard on site, Sang-di held out his palm to the sensor and released a small amount of his own personal Youkai power. At his positive recognition, the light on the gate flashed from red to green, the gate opening eerily silent for such a massive piece of steel.

Easing the car forward, Sang-di drew to a stop and no sooner had the wheels quit turning than he was out and opening the door for his Lord. With his eyes fixed straight ahead, the driver looked at nothing while Sesshomaru removed himself from the car and began making his way towards the elevator that would take him to his home; the very top floor of the tower. Only after the elevator door had closed did Sang-di finally take a deep and cleansing breath of relief. He'd been careful to keep his mind blank, his thoughts well contained, as he'd driven them home, but now . . . now that he was once again alone, those thoughts came rushing back in a cacophony of noise. Shaking his head, Sang-di knew he'd be getting little sleep tonight.


The smooth pull of the elevator was hypnotic to Sesshomaru - always had been. Many Youkai thought the DaiYoukai slightly mad for living in the midst of the city, surrounded by steel and glass. But there was something Sesshomaru had always liked about the height his home afforded him. Perhaps it was the ingrained notion that he, Lord of all Asia, was well and truly above all of the lowly creatures littering the planet below - scurrying around like rats in a maze of manmade streets. All of them desperately searching for their own bite of cheese. Maybe, on some deeper level, his high-rise home suited his own arrogant notions. Then again, perhaps he simply enjoyed being a part of the clouds. Soaring through the sky had always been something of a release for the DaiYoukai and now he felt as if he was sleeping in the heavens. Well, maybe not the heavens exactly, but as close as he was bound to get without moving to his mother's floating castle. And that simply was not happening.

As the elevator continued its assent, Sesshomaru found himself staring down at his brother's face once more. He was beyond relieved that Inuyasha had made no further sounds of discomfort. Indeed, the Hanyou seemed to be sleeping peacefully, at least for the time being. But Sesshomaru well knew that situation would not last long. He may not know exactly when his brother would awaken, but he hardly thought it would be pleasant. And, not only would Inuyasha's awakening be physically unpleasant for the Hanyou, but emotionally so to Sesshomaru himself.

Barely noticing the gentle stop of the elevator, the DaiYoukai almost missed the quiet parting of its doors. Berating himself for his lack of attention, Sesshomaru moved swiftly onto the marble floor of his private foyer, soundlessly continuing on his way through the white on white hallways and rooms, a spot of red here and there making its loud presence known. Gracing walls, nooks, and crannies were priceless ancient Japanese artifacts - most of which had never been catalogued by any known scholar. To the casual observer, Sesshomaru's home fit him well for it was clean, simple, and impersonal. And, for the most part, that observer would be correct on two of those accounts, because it was clean and simple. However, the minimal decor in the Lord of the Asian Land's home was anything but impersonal. Few knew the InuDaiYoukai well enough to realize just how important the color red was, nor how each and every treasure lining the walls held a deeper meaning than the material they were forged from. Perhaps only Jaken had any inclination as to their import. And, speaking of the little imp . . . "Lord Sesshomaru, you have arrived!"

Sesshomaru had just passed the door leading to his own room and was coming to the one immediately following it when the toad came skittering around the corner, Jaken's voice cutting off as his feet careened to a stop; his bulbous eyes fairly falling from his head. "M-my lord . . . is t-that . . . but I thought . . . I mean, I assumed . . . "

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