Chapter 11

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No matter how much his instincts kept telling him to keep an eye on his brother, Inuyasha simply couldn't help his curiosity and so instead of concentrating on the walking threat before him, he found his large eyes wondering over the halls and rooms they passed. No matter how much he may dislike his brother, Inuyasha couldn't ignore the beauty the DaiYoukai surrounded himself with. Clean and simple, the coverings and finishing's the Hanyou's eyes met were comforting, not cold. In fact, Inuyasha was amazed at the odd sense of warmth radiating through the pristine white floors, so much so that when they stopped, he found himself looking down as he wiggled his clawed toes.

"Do you find the warmth in the floors to your liking?"

Whipping his head up, Inuyasha stared into his brother's eyes, feeling at once captivated and embarrassed at having been caught in such a childish act. "Um, yeah, it's pretty nice." Scrunching his face up, Inuyasha's curiosity began overriding his embarrassment. "So . . . why is that?"

"Why are the floors here so warm?"

Inuyasha only nodded his head, his eyes still trained upon his toes.

"I am told there are tubes running underneath the floor through which warm water circulates. The effect is quite soothing."

Unable to help himself, Inuyasha bent forwards, placing the palms of his hands flush against the floor, on top of his head, puppy ears twitched and swiveled. "They don't feel wet, and I don't hear any water moving."

Raising his eyebrows, Sesshomaru once again felt pleased at the Hanyou's curiosity. Although Inuyasha had been to the modern era to visit that priestess, he seriously doubted the miko lived in the lap of luxury. Plus, hadn't Kouga said the woman was dead now? That she'd died of old age? If that were truly the case, then several years had passed since the time period Inuyasha would have visited the then young girl. Clearing his head of such thoughts, Sesshomaru turned his attention to the entertaining Hanyou before him, now laying his cheek to the floor, one ear pressed firmly against the marble tiles. Fighting down a smile, Sesshomaru stated, "I am unsure as to the exact mechanics, but if you wish, one day I could make someone with this knowledge available to you."

With an easy push, Inuyasha stood from his rather dubious position. Head bowed, he tried and failed to push his hands into his sleeve's as the shirt wasn't built to accommodate such an action. Inwardly, Inuyasha's mind was in turmoil. Sesshomaru was being so accommodating . . . so normal acting for a brother. But their relationship had never been anything close to that of normal siblings. Inside, a huge part of him desperately wanted to believe this new Sesshomaru. How Inuyasha had longed to have family, to have Sesshomaru treat him as an equal. Hell, to have Sesshomaru just not wanna rip his throat out would of been nice. But the survival instinct of the Hanyou was well honed and could not be swayed by recent events, no matter how much he might wish it to be true, Inuyasha knew when something sounded too good to be true, it almost certainly was.

As Inuyasha stood, head cast down, his now silken silvery-white hair cascaded over one shoulder, falling forwards in a shimmering curtain - a curtain far too lovely to ignore. "Your hair looks lovely, Inuyasha. It is beautiful when cleaned and combed." Once again, Sesshomaru found his fingers carding through the lengths of hair temptingly dangling before him, totally unaware that his words would flame the fires of anger his little brother kept burning.

Smacking the hand away, Inuyasha turned glaring amber orbs up at his brother. "Not like Kadira and I had much else to do today." Defensive and irritated, he pulled into himself once again, silently fuming about Sesshomaru's earlier comments regarding his appearance.

Confused as to why such a compliment would cause so much anger, Sesshomaru furrowed his brow. "Why does my comment make you so irritated, little brother?"

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