Chapter 25

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"Holy fuckin' hell," Kouga muttered, his blue eyes closing as he brought a hand up to rub his forehead. "Kaplow, that fucker. He shoulda been nothin' but dust decades before his sire was supposed to of killed him."

"Agreed, but the reality of the situation is different than what it should be," Sesshomaru answered, his own golden eyes piercing through the window before him.

"You realize, this is some serious shit, don't ya?"

"This Sesshomaru has not ruled first the Western and now the Asian Lands for this many centuries without the understanding of a true threat, Wolf." Finally turning from the window, Sesshomaru's attention landed on Kadira. "That is why I have brought the miko into this affair."

Frowning, Kadira shifted in her seat. "I am unsure what assistance I can offer, but whatever it may be, you have it."

A slight nod of his head was Sesshomaru's only response, he had expected nothing less of a miko from Kaede's line. "It is this Sesshomaru's understanding that you can sense Youkai energy, but not as we do. If I am correct, your abilities in such an area revolve more around being able to feel ones aura, which is slightly different than what we are capable of."

"Aye, that would be a more correct way of putting it, but the end result is basically the same."

"In most cases, you would be correct, however, in this one, the difference could be important."

"What? Are you thinkin' Kadira will be able to sense one of Kaplow's Delusions when we can't?" Kouga asked.

"I am not certain, but it is possible." Looking directly at Kadira, Sesshomaru continued, "It could be the slightest of changes, something hovering just at the edge of your senses that does not seem right. Do not ignore even the smallest of oddities, is this understood?"

"I will be watchful, my Lord and report immediately if anything feels off. Do you wish me to accompany you more often?"

"Not yet. You will stay close to Inuyasha, he is the primary concern."

"Yeah, along those lines, don't ya think you should tell him what's goin' on? I know he's your prospective mate, but the mutt's more than capable and would be even more so if he had a heads up."

Glaring down at the desk before him, Sesshomaru suppressed a growl. It wasn't that the wolf didn't have a point, but more that he didn't want to upset his Hanyou needlessly. "I will inform Inuyasha tonight. He has been more relaxed of late and I had hoped to keep such irritations from his mind, but for his own safety, that now seems unavoidable." Not bothering to move his head the slightest, Sesshomaru called for his retainer. "Jaken."

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru, how may I be of service during this time of distress?"

Sneering, Sesshomaru knew he'd always find the imp irritating, but if there was one thing he was absolutely certain of, it was that Jaken was loyal and would be even after he'd drawn his last breath. "Look into the families and acquaintances of Lord Tullic."

"What, if I may be so bold as to ask, am I looking for?"

"Anything that does not belong."

"But –"

"Are you incapable of this task?"

"N-no," Jaken stuttered as he drew himself up, puffing out his chest. "There is nothing I can not do for my Lord Sesshomaru!"

"Then do not waste my time with pointless questions." Mentally dismissing the kappa from his mind, Sesshomaru turned back to Kouga. "Isan must be dealt with, but his immediate death would only alert Kaplow that we are aware he is alive and as a result, Isan's betrayal."

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