Chapter 24

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Shippo stood, tails fluffed and fanned out behind him, almost all his fur standing on end in his frustration. "Jichichi, I've been waiting three days and each day you give me another reason why I can't speak with Master Isan. I'm not waiting another day, hour, or minute."

Rolling her eyes, Lady Jichichi did not seem impressed. "I am only doing as told, Shippo."

Narrowing his green eyes, Shippo had more than had enough. Staring down the wide double doors in front of him, the fox Youkai stated, "Jichichi, if you don't open those doors, there aren't going to be any doors left in a few seconds."

Eyes wide, Jichichi stuttered, "Y-you wouldn't! T-those d-doors are sacred to our c-clan!"
"Don't you get it? If I don't talk to Master Isan, there won't be a clan left so the damn doors aren't gonna matter."

Sucking in a deep breath, Jichichi was only now beginning to realize the severity of the situation. "W-what do you mean by that?"

"Just what I said. Now, I've already revealed too much to you, so are you gonna let me pass or do I need to blow up the doors?"

Eyes darting between the doors leading to Master Isan's chambers and the agitated fox Youkai before her, Jichichi finally nodded. "Just give me a minute."

"Ji –"

"I'm not trying to put you off . . . it's just, Master isn't well. I need to give him some warning. Please Shippo."

Dropping his tails slightly, Shippo nodded. "You've got five minutes."

"Okay." Scurrying off, Jichichi pressed her palm to the door, releasing a small amount of Youkai. With a soft, click, the door cracked and she slipped inside, only to reappear a few precious moments later. "Isan will see you now."

"About damn time," Shippo huffed before stalking forwards, entering the sacred chambers as Jichichi walked out. Inside, the fox stood still, allowing his pupils time to dilate enough to see through the darkened room. For as long as he could remember, Master Isan had been the leader of the fox Youkai of Asia. Once, this room had been filled with light and sometimes laughter, but that was before Kaplow's betrayal. Since the loss of his kit, Isan had withdrawn from the world and this room had darkened with his melancholy.

With his vision now restored, Shippo focused in on the singular source of light within the small den-like room, a low burning fire. Before the fireplace laid a plush fur, and kneeling within the center, was an old fox Youkai, his nine tails fanned out upon the floor behind him. Even in his deteriorating condition, Isan was a sight to behold.

Standing his ground, Shippo bowed low, even though Isan couldn't see it, he would still show his respect for the fox who'd taken him in all those centuries ago. "Master Isan, forgive me for disturbing you."

"Indeed, young Shippo. You may come closer so we might discuss what is so urgent that you would disturb my peace."

Feet softly padding across the room, Shippo came to stand before the fox. "You may sit if you wish." Nodding his thanks, Shippo did just that. Now, kneeling before his master, he could see the toll these last few decades had taken. For powerful Youkai, death only came upon the swift feet of a stronger opponent, but there were cases where that opponent did not come from without, but within. Suffering the loss of a mate was normally the catalyst for such an occasion, but in Isan's case, it was the loss of his kit. And, worse than most, Isan had lost Kaplow in every way imaginable, for not only was his kit deceased, but it was forbidden amongst the fox to even speak his name.

"Master Isan, I mean no disrespect, but time is of value and I must speak directly."

"Shippo, you may feel free to discuss what you wish."

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