Chapter 21

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Looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, Inuyasha pulled at the tie encircling his neck. "You sure this is really needed?"

Swatting a clawed hand away from her handiwork, Kadira scoffed. "Stop ruining it, and yes, I am most certain."

"Why would anybody make a noose around your neck fashionable?"

"I've no idea, but most likely it was the same person who created high heels for women."

"High what?"

"Nevermind," Kadira sighed, "just be thankful that it is not something you ever need worry about."

"-Keh, whatever they are, they can't be worse than this damn thing."

Ignoring the comment, Kadira took a moment to admire the image before her. Truly, those of the Inu clan were some of the most beautiful creatures she'd ever had the pleasure to lay eyes upon. And being an InuHanyou had done nothing in her old eyes to diminish that fact. "Inuyasha, you look lovely tonight."

Blushing, the Hanyou's head automatically tilted down, his long silvery-white bangs covering his eyes. "I've told ya before that you were blind as a fuckin' bat, old woman."

Reaching up a hand, Kadira placed the tips of her gnarled fingers under Inuyasha's chin and lifted his face until his eyes were once again staring into the mirror before them. "I am not blind, nor am I a fool. If you do not believe these eyes or your own, then trust in your brother's, for I do not believe he would ever choose a mate he found visually unappealing."

"I've been sayin' for days now that Sesshomaru's not in his right fuckin' mind, but nobody will believe me."

Laughing, Kadira's hands stroked down one of the Hanyou's cheeks. "Despite what you may think, I can guarantee you will spark jealousy amongst the Youkai elite."

"As if I care about somethin' like that. I don't give a rats ass what those pricks have to say about me personally, I just don't want their hang-ups to undermine Sesshomaru's rule."

"It is good to hear that you are so concerned for your brother's well being, but I have never seen a more capable individual than Lord Sesshomaru. Let him worry about such things."

Shrugging his shoulders, Inuyasha wondered if Kadira was right, but the tightness in his chest still wouldn't leave. Staring at his reflection in the mirror, he willed his puppydog ears to suddenly turn into the perfectly pointed tips of his pure brother. As far as he was concerned, those ears were like a beacon that screamed, "Hanyou," to the entire Youkai world. Flattening his ears into his hair, Inuyasha stared at his smooth head and sighed, he was who he was and doing shit like that on purpose just made him look stupid, besides, it wasn't like he could keep them down forever – experience told him that.

Deciding looking in the mirror wasn't going to change a damn thing, Inuyasha turned towards Kadira with the intention of thanking her for her help when his brother's Youkai suddenly hit his senses. The suddenness of it made him think Sesshomaru must have been masquerading as a human and just released his disguise.

"I think the bastards home," Inuyasha mumbled, feeling a jumble of butterflies swarming around his stomach.

Sucking in a deep breath, Kadira nodded. She'd felt her Lord's presence as well. "Then I will wish you a good evening." Taking a bit of a risk, the old miko went up on her tiptoes, pecking her lips lightly to Inuyasha's cheek. "I am more pleased than I can say that you are giving this a chance. Truly, you are a gift, Inuyasha."

Eyes wide, the Hanyou wondered if Kadira had somehow been talking with that old tree, Bakusen'O. Hadn't he said something similar, that the Hanyou was a gift from Inu no Taisho to Sesshomaru? Shaking his head, all he could think was that the world truly had gone mad while he'd been away.

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