Chapter 22

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     I'd had thought about what my mom said, and so I decided too... go with my dad. Only for 4 months though. Back home I can visit my friends and family. But now I'd have to tell my friends...
On my way to school
I saw Paris immediately when I pulled up. I walked over there to tell her but then Dylan and Quentin showed up too. So I told all of them. They were shocked, but they understood and couldn't wait till to months was over.
"Hey Quentin do u know where Tanner is?" " uhm no haven't seen him all day, sorry." " it's all good." I said. I need to find Tanner, I can't leave without telling him. It's Thursday and I'm leaving on Saturday so Paris is spending the night on Friday.
Then once school was over, I called Tanner. He wasn't there, so I walked over to his house to see him. His mom answered the door and told me he was in his room. So I walked down there too see him.
I opened the door and he was just editing his video. "Hey T" I mumbled. "Hey? Is everything alright?" "Well not exactly no." "What? Whats wrong?" "Uhm well I'm a I'm sorta a..." I stuttered. "I'm going back to Montana." "What!?! Why? U just got here!" " I know I know I'm going for 4 months to visit my dad and family and friends.
"Oh, so you'll be back right?" " yeah of course like you said I just got here." "I'm still sad you're leaving.." he closed his laptop and sat up to the edge of the bed. "I'll miss you." I couldn't help but blush. "Yea I'll miss all of you guys." He pats the bed, notifying me too sit next to him. So of course I did.
Once I sat down he just starred at me. His eyes are so pretty. Then he started to lean in.. I freaked out to my self. But it was just a hug. I was relived but sad at the same time. Then he stopped hugging, and well.. We kissed. It was not to sound cheesy but it was magical. Ugh tiff stop you're leaving.. well on that note we just sat there awkwardly." So uhm tomorrow is my last day of school, and well I couldn't find you so I freaked out because I couldn't leave without you knowing so I looked everywher-...
He kissed me again.. I had such a big smile on my face it was embarrassing. "I'll miss you, and try to talk to you everyday." He said. *Tanners phone rings* "hello?" I looked at him and just walked out of his room to give him space on the phone and went home.

So sorry for not posting for 2 days. Homework and drama are really time consuming 🙄😂 but I'm back to a regular schedule :)

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