TrES-2b, also known as Kepler 1b, is the darkest object found in space. TrES-2b is a planet orbiting the star GSC 03549-02811 (I seriously hate whoever names these), which is located 750 light years away from our solar system in the constellation Draco. TrES-2b belongs to the class "Hot Jupiters" which are gas giants that orbit very close to their parent star. Even though TrES-2b orbits a star this close, it reflects less than 1% light. It's a dark pitch black colour that is darker than coal with a faded red glow, making scientists shocked at this discovery.
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TrES-2b is almost the same mass as Jupiter, only bigger. Some people are coming up with suggestions to why this planet may reflect no light. Some say that there might be clouds that cover the entire planet like Jupiter but seem to reflect no light, due to dusty chemicals but nobody knows for sure. It is impossible for clouds though, since it orbits very close to it's star with a temperature over 982° Celsius (1,800° Fahrenheit)
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On the right is TrES-2b, coloured white so it's visible, due to black background. If you were to view TrES-2b with a telescope, it would almost look like this:
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Hard to see right? It is totally consumed in darkness. It's reflecting abilities act as if it was rogue. Since rogue planets are free roaming and have no stars to orbit or reflect light and heat on. Researchers are still working on this planet, hopefully to discover more interesting facts about it.