Chapter Two: Losing

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{Kim Myunhee's POV}

The last two weeks lately with Saeril was fun and we got to know each other also we are so close now but Oppa Myungsoo didn't want to see her because he hated stupid girls (also Jimin did leave me alone but kept on smirking after we answered our tests)... Anyway today's the day the whole class is going to know their test scores and its also the day to see the defeat in Jimin's face!

---School Basketball Court-------

I decided to stay at the basketball court since it was quiet  and I can concentrate better to write more songs.

"Oh! You are that pretty noona that Jimin talks about all the time!" The guy said who sat next to me.

"Are you his friend?" I asked as I stared at awe with his cute face.

"Yep! My name is Jeon Jungkook and I'm the youngest in the group! You know what Jimin hyung talks about you all the time!" He giggled.

"Really! What does he say?" I squint my eyes in pure concern on what that jerk says.

"He said that he likes it when you look at him from time to time because it reminds him that you know he exists." Jungkook giggled again.

"I sure wish that he never did exist!"
I made a disgusted face.

Jungkook then grabbed my wrists and brought me to the 6 hyungs he looked up to.

"Hyungs! Can you introduce yourself to this pretty noona! JA OSO!" Jungkook pouted.

"Arraso!" The 6 said in unison.

"Hey! My name is Kim Taehyung!" He made a rectangle smile and waved.

"Hey Meanie! You know me, the chocolate and handsome Jimin." He said confidently and stuck his tongue out.

"Anyoung! My name is J-Hope! Come to me when your sad." He said cutely followed by a wink.

"Hey... I'm Sugar. Sup?" He said blankly. Man! Is this guy tired?

"Hi! My name is Kim Seokjin!! I see your friends with Saeril! PLEASE TELL ME ALL ABOUT HER!" He said in excitement. Does he like her?

"Hey, my name is Kim Namjoon but please call me Rapmon." He said while smiling showing his deep dimples.

"Nice to meet you all guys! Hope to get close to you and call me Kim Myunghee! I have to go now I'm just going to check the scores for the test! Bye!" I then ran to our classroom.

MWO! ANIYA! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! Did... Jimin ... Just ..

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"I knew I was going to win!" Jimin said in a cheerful voice.

"How in the world did you get 99% while I got 91%!" My eyes widen as I feel my self sink.

"Uhm Meanie! Me and my group are always top in all classes so yah! Time to become the fake gf now and I have some rules!" He then gave me a price of paper.

| Rules on being my fake gf:             |
| 1. We have to be sweet in school. |
| 2. Do everything I say!                    |
| 3. Out of school Not my girlfriend |
| 4. Act Natural.                                  |
| 5. No kisses!                                    |
| 6. Always Smile.                              |
| 7. DONT FALL INLOVE!                  |

I read the rules quickly. Fall in love? Who does he think he is? I WILL NEVER FALL INLOVE period.

"Why did you put fall in love when I won't anyway?" I said while rolling my eyes.

"You'll see..." Jimin winked.

"Also why did you want me to become your fake girlfriend anyway?" I then leaned forward to listen carefully.

"For fun. Also... For my fangirls to bully ㅋㅋㅋ you!" He smirked.

"Oh you little bit-" I was cut off by a cute jungkook and 7 boys.

"Noona!" He yelled with a little aegyo.

"Kookie! Why are you guys here?"

"Oh! We were just trying to find Jimin, what are you guys doing here... Alone?" Namjoon asked.

"Oh! She was just asking me if we could sit next to her and her friend at lunch!" Jimin said innocently as he signalled to me to hide the rules.
I then hid the rules behind my back.

"Oh Sure! Hyungs! Please!!!!" Jungkook pleaded.

"Sorry Jungkook, we have to stay at our table" Namjoon said as he pats the said boy's shoulder.

That gives me an idea to annoy Jimin.

{Lunch Time}

"Myunghee! I wish I could sit with V Oppa for at least one lunch!" She said while crossing her fingers.

"Your wish! Is my command!" I said while grabbing Hyun Saeril's wrist and walking to the 7 boy's table. I then sat next to Jimin and made Saeril sit in between Jin and V (ㅋㅋㅋ her face is red).


"Like you said! Be sweet!" I chuckled. Which gave Jimin a bad idea.

"Oh Guys!" This took everyone on the table's attention, "Myunghee here is my girlfriend now!"

"WHAT!" They shouted.

"When?" Jungkook said.

"How?" Jin asked.

"Why?" V asked.

"Long story short, she fell for me!" Jimin smirked and stared at me.

I kicked his ankle under the table making him groan in silence. Seriously! Fell! Yes I fell in your trap!

{HyunSaeril's POV}

OMG! My best friend and jimin? I KNEW IT! But she is too good for him ugh never mind! I'm sat next to my first love Kim Taehyung... But this Jin, he is always looking at me passionately but when I look at him he looks away in panic. What wrong with him?

"Guys, its nice to eat with you..." I looked at V, "O-oh I-i mean all of you!"

{Jin's POV}

I think they know that I like Saeril.
Your curious right guys?
I've always had a crush on Saeril, ever since I met her because she is so unique, for example bubbly face and rock star look! I always wanted to call her my Charismatic Saeril... But with V in the way... She won't be mine... ㅠㅡㅠ

"Oh! I forgot, guys I'm going to airport later!" I said.

"ARE YOU LEAVING?" Namjoon asked sadly.

"Hyung! You betrayed us!" Jungkook pouted.

"Ani! Paboya! I'm just going to pick up my sister, Kim Jiseok." I answered quickly.

"Oh no! Anyone but her hyung!" Jungkook moaned.

"Why you have a problem with my sister kookie?" I asked angrily.

"A-ani! I-its just that she is s-super clingy to me..." Jungkook said cautiously.

"Of course! She like you, you pabo!" I said but never really knew if she does.

"Ok guys! Bye!" I then walked away but stopped to turn to a busy Saeril talking to V. I sigh. I wish I was in V's position, I wish I was her crush! I then walked away.

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