Chapter 1

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The burning adrenaline running through my veins. The smell of fear from my enemy and prey. The cold sweat shining in the moon light from his fore head as he tries to hide from me. I stalk him from the shadows of the night and the darkness where I roam. I enjoy this, I live for this, I find delight on this, killing people like him always makes my heart tremble, it gives me real pleasure. It's my job, my entertainment, my destiny and my life. I watch as the man cowards behind the dumpster and hear him as he try's to call out to God for mercy. What he doesn't understand is that a man like him, a man that kill, lies, rapes, scams and enjoys every bit of it, will never earn mercy. Not from me, not from anyone, and sure as hell not from God. I keep my sight on my prey the entire time and wait for the moment to strike. I could've easily killed him a while ago, however that's not my style. I want him to know the true meaning of fear and terror. I want him to understand, to feel just as all his victims felt when they fell by his hand. I toy with his fear just a bit by throwing a small pebble over by the alleyway. The resonating echo of it sounds all over the alley and makes my prey jump and quiver with fear. Just a bit more before his just ripe for his death. Time for the real fear to begin. I found a loose brick on the roof I was standing on and figure I could use it for my advantage. I look down and see some old trash cans just a few feet away from the dumpster where my prey hides. I take aim and throw the brick directly to the trash cans making them topple over and fall. The sound alone was enough to bring my prey to the brink where he would fall to his knees and beg. Now for the finishing touch. I move to the shadows of the dark alley as I crawl down the wall head first. I'm silent and move with out making so much a sound. Once I'm down in the ground I stand up straight and look over to my left at the dumpster and prepare myself. Theirs little light to worry about and the darkness hides me from my prey's sight. I walk silently and in the shadows that conceal me. My prey peeks around the dumpster trying to find its hunter, trying to escapes. As he steps out of his hiding space and try's to take shelter in the light of a near by light post. A futile attempt really, but desperation can make a man like him do all sorts of things. Unfortunately the light won't be his ally tonight. The light-post starts to flicker and the man looks up and starts to beg "Oh please no. Oh God please don't. Oh God. Oh please." Every step I take makes the light dim bit by bit. There's no escape, no compassion, no mercy, no remorse and no reason to stop. Once the light shuts down completely there's nothing but darkness and a loud scream from my prey that echoes through the air as I finish him off. This is my nature, my job, my duty, my entertainment, my destiny, my pleasure and life. I am judge, jury and executioner. I am death.

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