Chapter 9

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Perfect, simply perfect. Everything went according to plan and now my enemies are nothing more than ashes. My greatest master piece yet. I couldn't have done a better job myself and to think that now that I've let the Yaut'ja see what I'm capable off, that's like the cherry on top of the whole thing. They will learn to fear me now, and hopefully leave me alone, or at the very least add some new entertainment for me. Who knows? Maybe I'll finally get a challenge every once in a while. At the time I had just entered my ship with my empty glass of wine still on my hand. I always enjoy a good wine after a work of art like the one I just did. Helps maintain the memory of the whole deal. Aside from heading back to the kitchen to leave the glass in the washing machine and heading back to the main deck there was a small moment where I actually wished I could see the faces of those Yaut'ja. I wonder what the expression of fear is like. I've smelled their fear and is very similar to human's fear. Altho not too important is still interesting to see how similar the two raises are. First thing they share is their arrogance and thoughts of superiority not to mention how much they both want to show their own superiority. Idiots. More focus on measuring their own dicks than actually making a difference in life. I may just be a killer but at least I make the world a better place every time I kill one of those useless scums. Anyway I knew the drone had latched itself to my ship. I didn't really care, if they are stupid enough to actually come after me they won't really be much of a threat. Unfortunate for them, wonderful for me. Well wonderful if they actually provide a challange for me, lately is been quite boring being on the top of the food chain. Oh well is not so bad, at least that way I can both inflict fear and have some fun every time an idiot trys to challange me to be in the top. Ok so sometimes is more of disappointment than an actual challenge, but I'll take what I can get. Now let's see how far these idiots are willing to go. I program a course to the amazon jungle of Brazil. An ideal place for a full on showdown with the thick heads without anyone getting caught in the crossfire or being detected by the local law. Miles and miles of pure jungle and wild life. Can't ask for any other place. Is perfect for someone like me where I can use the darkness of the jungle to my own advantage and where even the jungle is dangerous enough to add a little action to the mixture. Not to mention one of my friends lives there and I always like to bring a gift when I visit. This time it will be a nice juicy and exotic meal.


Dear Paya how can a human be like that? He may well be the living incarnation of the dark warrior Cetanu. The fact that he is human doesn't help at all. Not to mention his twisted mind. Is like a mixture between a bad blood with a genius and honorable warrior. He truly is the embodiment of the dark warrior. I can't see how my mother finds interest in that human. I mean I can see why she would be intrigued, but I can't see why she would want to meet him in person. Still I don't have much say in the matter. Luckily the drone we send had latched itself on his ship and we could follow him where ever he went. We noticed he had land somewhere in the amazon jungle and it was time to go after him. The ship began its descend to the planet and all I could think about was how he had dispose of those bad bloods without much effort and in such short time. If he felt like it he could tear us apart easily if we underestimated him. However after the video we recorded was shown to the crew I don't think they'll do such mistake. Still what makes it certain that he'll come along. He pretty much does what he wants when he wants and if he decides not to come some of the males might get agitated and attempt against his life. He might very well kill us all out of spite. We need to be cautious. Before we head out I decided to make a call to my mother for advice on how to convince the human to come peacefully. She only told me that she wanted to have a meeting with him and make a deal with him. A deal? What sort of deal? My mother didn't bother to answer me so she just cut off the transmission. What is my mother thinking? I can never understand her mind. Still, I couldn't really go against her will. As much as I hate it I had to follow that human and get him to come peacefully. If that's even possible. Once the ship finally landed we made our way through the jungle towards where the human was. Suddenly the signal we were getting from the drone we send had just stop. He must've found it and destroyed it. He won't make it easier for us to find him, we'll have to go to the drone's last know location and track him from there. When we found the broken drone we found some tracks leading to a nearby cave. Odd he was meticulous enough to hide his track back in the city yet now is like he didn't care. This could be a trap. Never the less we followed the tracks and enter the cave. My brother stayed close to me and with his weapons ready. His shoulder cannon ready to fire and his Combistick in hand. I had a shuriken in my left hand and had my right wrist blades ready to extend at a moments notice. The more we walked into the cave the more the suspense and excitement took over us. My heart was nearly ready to pop out of my chest like a hard meat chest buster. It took some time but we reached a big dome like space with high sealing and a few holes that let the sun light enter. There was but one heat signature and it was his. He was right in the center, standing there. Just standing there, right in the center. He was waiting for us. He spoke and said "For a race that prides itself in strength and intellect you really do make the most stupid of decision. I highly advice you to leave now before you regret coming here." No one spoke except for my brother who said "We only came here to extend the invitation of the High Matrich for an audience with her." He just chuckled and then spoke.

Nightmare -"An intriguing offer. However I see no reason to why I should take such invitation. What is your name boy?"

"I am not a boy and my name is Fren'co"

N- "Well Fren'co, since your so good at delivering messages, why don't you run back to your mother and tell her that I will not be taking her offer. I have no interest in such invitation and to be honest I don't care much about your kind."

Fren'co angry and insulted but holding back his anger - "I ask you to reconsider. It would be very..." He was cut off by Nightmare.

N-"Pay attention to my words child. I do not intend to go anywhere with the likes of you. I don't care what your "ruler" asks of you, I don't give a shit what she wants with me and there is no way you can force me to go anywhere. Now get the fuck away from me before I decide to let my friend feed on your corpses."

His words were full with poison and anger. One of the guards got angry enough to attempt to throw his Combistick at him. What a mistake that was. He wasn't even close to land a hit on him. The reason for that was because a 40 feet long 8 headed snake eat him in one bite. Everyone except for Nightmare took a step back away from the snake. It had come into the chamber through a hole near the sealing. Nightmare was just a decoy so we wouldn't noticed the snake creeping up on us. The question was not if we could survive the snake, the question was why did it target just the one hunter that attempted against Nightmare's life. That's when I heard him chuckled and speak.

N- "And that children is why you should've listen to my warning. My friend doesn't like when someone try's to attack me. Makes him highly volatile." He finished with a chuckle and his mask opening revealing his face and his dark smile.

Fren'co angry and, even tho he didn't want to admit it, afraid "Coward! Hiding behind a snake and letting it do your dirty work...." He was cut off by Nightmare's laughter.

N- "Hiding?!" he laugh harder then added "Boy I'm the only reason your still alive. See if it were up to my friend I would've just knocked you out and left you to be eaten by my friend here. However I decided against such actions"

It was my turn to speak - "Why allow us to live? And how can you say your the one keeping us alive?"

N- A dark smile shows on his face and the snake moves to be right next to him as he placed a hand on his side stroking the snake "Because I'm the one who raised this Anaconda and I'm the one that tells him what he can or can't do. See in his eyes I'm his dear father."

Everyone was dumbstruck and in shock. How can this human control such a creature and posses such strength? What in Paya's name is he?

N- "Now youngling's it would be wise to take your leave now. My child tends to have a rather large appetite and I highly doubt one of you would've been enough to quench his hunger." He finished with a chuckle.

We decided to retreat for now. At least until we knew for sure how to approach him. This is gonna be quite the difficult task.

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