After I used my own energy to knock out the 'princess' I just laid her on the bed. Sure she's an arrogant idiot with chances of becoming a bitch, but hey she's still a woman and I respect woman. That is until they become bitches or criminals bad enough to be killed. Oh well, toying with her while she couldn't see me was quiet entertaining. I'll admit I have my small moments of deviousness. Can you blame me I was kidnap from my home planet, drugged all the way here, chained, locked up and worst of all I had to do math. All this just to make the perfect escape. At least it'll be worth it when I get back home. However before I go, I really think that armor should be treated better, no way in hell letting that armor rust and get ruin is being respectful to its previous owner. Hmmm well I've always wanted an armor. I walked into the armory and grabbed the armor. After close inspection I decided to put it on and use it while I escaped. Once it was on I flinched at the beginning when the metal touched my bare skin. It was cold and hard and with the amount of rust it had it was rough and uncomfortable, but I could manage with it. All I needed was to deal with it until I could get in the ship and get out of here. Among being uncomfortable it was rather lose on me, considering that I'm human and this armor was meant for one of them I'm not surprise. However just because I'm human doesn't mean is the only reason this armor doesn't fit. Trust me there more to me than meets the eye. Anyway on with the escape. I had everything I needed from this place; some nice EMPs and tranqs, to witch I can experiment back home, a nice new armor that will have new life and soon I'll have a nice space ship with a but load of weapons and who knows what else, if the info I read about them is true, that will be an oh so wonderful new addition to my arsenal once I get back home. Hmmm now that I think about it I should be thanking the dum idiots. They accidentally just gave me new information, opportunities and fancy new toys. Life is sweet. At least from time to time.
In any case, with everything in order and all the gear I had on secured, I walked back to the balcony. It was closed at the moment so I opened it and stepped outside as the rain started to pour down on me. The rain hit my bare skin and the armor I had on making a metallic sound as it hit. I closed my eyes and raised my head as if I was looking up with my eyes closed. I took a deep breath inhaling the rainy night scent and opened my eyes just as a lightning bolt hit me. The feeling was delicious and intoxicating. People say being hit by lightning means certain death, but boy are they wrong. The human body can produce enough energy to make the run of the mile nuclear power plant look like a triple A battery, and it can process external energy with more efficiency than power station. Sure some humans have die from being hit by lightning, but that was because they've never learn to absorb that amount of power. For me lightning is just food or in some cases a weapon. After my body absorbed the lightning all that remain was some small bolts running over my body here and there. It didn't mattered much to me really. I looked in front of me and started to scan the city looking for the landing pad where the ships where. It was easy to locate since it was close to the pyramid. I walked up to the railing and stepped up on it taking in the view of the city and the darkness of the night occasionally drawn out by the lightning. As I stare down at my intended target I think about the other humans that where brought here with me and wonder if I should save them or leave them be. Is clear to me that I can't save every soul in need, and that most of them where people I would've kill anyway. Can I walk away and turn my back to them? The answered is simple. Everyone is free to make their own choice, if they wish to stay slaves let them, but if they wish to be free let them fight on their own. Therefore I just let my self fall forward from the railing. As I plummet down to the ground beneath me in a free fall, twisting, spinning and turning, I start to think of my plan of action. If I place an EMP on the center of the landing pad and program it so it detonates after I'm far enough they won't be able to catch me. Seems easy enough but the problem would be making sure no one can tamper with the EMP. Maybe I can hide it and let it detonate. 5 seconds in the fall and I'm already about to hit the ground. Taking into account my hight, weight and the distance from the balcony to the ground I've must have fallen approximately 40 stories, maybe 38. In the few seconds before I hit the ground I flip forward and landed on my feet with ease crouching down as I landed with my left knee touching the ground and my hands touching it with the tip of my fingers to ease the pressure, but the ground beneath me cracked and tremble almost to the verge of breaking beneath me. So much for subtle. Luckily no one was around to notice. I stood back up and moved to the closes shadow I could find. All there was left was to make my way to the landing pad witch was roughly a 5 k jog. With my speed I could be there within 5 minutes maybe less. As I move towards the landing pad I kept myself in the darkest places possible letting the darkness of the night engulf my body and cloak me. Darkness, most living being fear it and avoid it as much as possible, not me. I like the darkness, for me is natural and easy to enter it with ease. It's where I live and where I make my best kills. Don't get me wrong I love the light as well but only during the day or when I feel like being it or using it, but at night darkness is my first choice.

The Assassin of two Worlds
FanfictionDeadly Assassin meets Predator. Have fun. Disclaimer I only own the character's name and the main characters concept. I gain no monetary income out of this story this is just for my own entertainment.