Chapter 4

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This human was really something else. Of my other slaves this is the first one I had to put on an electric collar to keep him under control, and even with the collar he was defiant. At the time we were at my chambers. Ha'lec wasn't please with the idea of having this human in my privet chambers.

"As my slave I'll be expecting you to follow my every command and request if not you shall be punish in witch ever way I see fit. If you attempt to harm me your collar will shock you until you fall unconscious. If you try to run away the collar will tell me where you are with its beacon. If you ...."

"Will you shut up already? Please I would like to die with honor and with a purpose not by hearing you ran your mouth."

Ha'lec - "How dare you speak to the mistress that way? You filthy human."

"Careful boy, that mouth of your might be big enough for me to make you swallow your heart." He finish with a grim smile on his face and glare Ha'lec with the eyes of a hungry beast waiting to strike. It was enough to make Ha'lec take a step back.

"As for you 'princes' " he said with a mocking tone but dark nonetheless before continuing "You should've listen to the dealer and picked a different slave."

"But I chose you. You see many of my previous slaves were a disappointment and didn't meet my expectations. I need a strong slave now and you just happen to be what I was looking for."

"Were you looking for strength or were you just looking for a someone to put up with you constant nagging mouth?"

"You little..."

"Human? Yes that I may be but you forget one thing 'princes' your the one that's afraid. Right now the only one here that should be careful with what they say is you. This little collar won't be enough to stop the likes of me."

"Don't be so sure of yourself human! That collar has enough power to bring down even the strongest of our warriors."

"If that is true then this will be easier than I thought."

At that moment Ha'lec got angry and swung his fist at him. However the human was faster. In a blink of an eye he had caught and dislocated Ha'lec's arm. Then he grab him by the neck with his left arm and lifted him from the floor as if he weight nothing more than a feather.

"Sorry 'boy' but you might want to stop underestimating humans or any enemy for that matter."

After saying that he swung his arm to his right and quickly back to his left slinging Ha'lec to the wall hard enough to make a loud noise. How can someone so small be so strong?

"What's wrong 'princes' didn't expect me to retaliate like that? Perhaps you need a little lesson so you'll stop underestimating us humans. I wonder if his neck will snap just as easily as a human's. Let's find out shall we?"

He started walking towards Ha'lec and I had no other option. I grab one of the tranquilizer darts Juc'to gave me and shot it at him. The dart hit his back and he was out cold. Dear Paya what kind of monster is he?


My plan had work to perfection that foolish female shot me with one of those darts and I was taken to the dungeons. It was too easy to provoke her and even easier to scare her. Now all I have to do is wait for the darkness of the night to fall so I can escape. I don't know why but something tells me this is gonna be fun. Suddenly a scent caught my attention, one that brought a dark smile to my face. There's a storm coming. The kind of storm that will make this escape a whole lot easier and a hell of a lot more fun. The kind of storm that bring darkness and light at the same time. Looks like someone up there still cares about me. Well now I just need to wait.

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