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Story to those of you who don't like long chapters, but hopefully it makes up for the long 2 1/2 mmonths of no update. And if you like to skip through song lyrics, be careful because I added some dialogue in between. THANK YOU AND ENJOY THE CHAPTER!!

Chapter 2

(*Josh's P.O.V*)

(To the tune of Dark Horse by Katy Perry)

"So you wanna swim with lions

Or maybe take a bath with a manatee

Baby I got stuck in my toilet

And my pencil sharpener just turned on fire

Is my toaster on toaster on

I went to a circus with a toga on

I got mashed potatoes in my pocket mom

But yo


"And that's a wrap people! Go and eat some Hot Pockets and Cinnamon Toast Crunch while I post this video!" I said.

I wasn't really going to go post the video though, that takes time. I'm going in my backyard to take pictures of squirrels and eat s'mores. Yup, people will be so jealous of me. I wish she was here to; make people jealous of me, to love random people with me, and to make my videos even funnier (and sound better, just for the record). I even miss the cuddling! But, she's not here...

(*Hayley's P.O.V*)

"Goodnight, Andrew..." I slowly trailed off as he was walking up to HIS room.

Yes, we have separate rooms in the same apartment just because he doesn't like cuddling and the feeling of someone else being in the bed with him. But other than that, I so wasn't planning on going to bed anytime soon. I finally had the time to watch Josh's hilarious videos. Hopefully my loud laughing doesn't wake up Andrew. Okay; computer-check, Internet connection-check, weirdness-ACTIVATED! Let's look up....Wrecking Ball Parody? Okay...

'I once picked up a yellow snow ball my hands tasted like pop corn

I found a lobster in my tub and cooked chicken for breakfast.

Bought this candle lite smells like Christmas trees this horse knows how to fly (like Rudolph)

Lets sing Christmas songs while adopting frogs, Santa came to my mall

I bought a baby Christmas tree

I'm dressed up like a referee

It's so cold so I just made some tea

And my tree won't stay up

Lets watch TV

(Oh hey, a snowman)

Lets watch TV

I decorate while drinking milk

My star is made out of paper (it's so cute)

Open your fridge and grab some juice, we plunge the toilet when it's clogged

Bought this candle lite smells like Christmas trees this horse knows how to fly (like Rudolph)

Lets sing Christmas songs while adopting frogs, Santa came to my mall

I bought a baby Christmas tree

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