In A Heartbeat

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Lauren didn't have to start her new job for a few more days and Tom was able to take a mini vacation from filming so the two of them spent their days tangled together under Lauren's bedsheets and their evenings strolling along the foggy streets of London. The nighttime made it easier for them to be together alone in public without Tom being mobbed by fans. They kept mostly to themselves and stayed away from big crowds.

The day before Lauren had to start work, she began to feel a tightening in her chest. She didn't want things to change. She was having the time of her life with Tom. Sleeping in together, being lazy, pigging out at night... and the sex... wow.

She knew it was a bit fast, the pace they were moving at. But it sure felt right. She'd never been so effected by someone before. It was the little things; the way he raised his eyebrows at her, one higher than the other, the slight ginger stubble contrasting his delicious blue eyes and dark hair, the way he said her name, the way he said ANY word, actually. But it wasn't all physical. He took such good care of her, too. He always served her first before himself. God forbid Lauren ever open a door on her own. He was almost too good to be true. He had no flaws. Tom was a perfect gentleman.

They were both snuggled up in her bed naked, legs intertwined. Tom's head was resting on Lauren's bare chest. She took in the scent of his dark curls, the rise of her chest rousing Tom from his sleep. He looked up at her, not lifting his head off her chest.

"I had a bad dream," he told her.

Lauren frowned and began to lazily play with his curls. "What about?" she asked.

Instead of answering, Tom rolled off of her and began to stretch out. He grunted and growled, making his tired muscles come back to life. He rolled back over, got on all fours and straddled Lauren, hovering over her. He dipped his head down and caressed her belly with his nose. His stubble tickled Lauren and she giggled.

They looked at each other and Tom sighed. "Don't worry about it. Just a silly dream." He kissed her navel and shifted his weight off of Lauren and sat upright on the edge of the bed next to her.

Lauren flipped to her side and trailed a single finger down his spine, delighted by the goosebumps that appeared on his flesh due to her touch. A low growl escaped Tom's lips and he turned to face her. "I need a shower. Join me?"


Later that evening, Lauren was setting out her outfit for her first day on the job. She wanted to look impressive and smart. She wished she had used some of her free time to shop for some new clothes, but she wouldn't trade the time she spent with Tom for anything.

She decided on a navy blue blouse and a gray pencil skirt. She held up the articles of clothing in front of her as she stood in front of the full length mirror on her closet door, sizing it up as good enough for a first day.

Downstairs, she heard the front door open. Tom had stepped out earlier to take a phone call. Lauren heard his heavy footfalls ascending the wooden staircase up to her bedroom. She lowered her outfit as he entered with a morose look on his face.

"My agent," he told her, showing her his phone before slipping it into his pants pocket.

Lauren didn't enjoy the look of disappointment in his face. "Is everything okay?"

"Not especially. I have to head to LA tomorrow." Tom leaned against the wall with a frown. "I don't know when I'll be back."

"Oh," was all Lauren could say.

Her heart sank. Granted, they weren't officially in a relationship, but that didn't mean she wasn't falling for him. She wasn't ready to pause whatever it was that they had going on. She wanted to explore it more. But now he was leaving and she was starting another new adventure with her job.

Tom reached up and scratched the back of his head. It was silent for a moment as he stared at his shoes. Lauren just stood there, hugging her clothes, trying to fight back her emotions.

"If your first day wasn't tomorrow, I'd ask you to come with." His big blue eyes looked up at her.

Lauren smiled and a stifled sob escaped her lips. She was thrilled to hear him say that. It only confirmed she wasn't alone in how she felt.

She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, bringing her head to his heart. Feeling the rise and fall of his chest, she said, "I would; in a heartbeat."

Tom lifted her chin with his hand and lowered his face to hers and kissed her. He broke the kiss, smiled and rested his chin on her head while hugging her tight.

"We'll be okay," he whispered.

A tear fell down Lauren's cheek and she was thankful he couldn't see her face at that moment.

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