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Lauren's eyes felt like they had sand in them but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open them very well. She remembered being hit in the back of the head with something. Reaching up to check her aching scalp, she discovered her hands had been bound. She was on her bed with her ankles tied to the bed post.

"Tsk tsk." Someone was beside her. "Did you really think I wouldn't find you?"

She cried out but the duct tape across her mouth muffled the sound. The sun was gone and the curtains were closed. Not even a street light could pierce the dark and give away her assailant.

She couldn't see him, but his voice gave him away.

She began to cry.

He reached over and stroked the tears off her cheeks.

"Oh, sweetheart, don't cry. I'm here now and I'll take care of you. We can go back home and be together, the way we're supposed to be." He turned on the lamp on the night stand.

Lauren's eyes were wide and bewildered now. There stood her ex-fiancé, Dex.

He bent over and gave her a kiss over the duct tape. Lauren pulled her face away and took a swing at him. He caught her bound up hands with his and pulled her up to a sitting position.

"No, no." He gently scolded as he pulled out a pocket knife and flipped the blade out. He grabbed her shirt and pulled her so close the blade was pressing into her neck.

"I don't want to hurt you. But you know I will if you make me lose my temper. Do you understand?"

Lauren glared at him, fuming.

He drew back his hand and smacked her in the face.

This time he shouted, "DO you understand?!"

Whimpering and feeling defeated, Lauren nodded.

Dex ripped the tape off of her mouth and she let out a small cry, fighting back the tears.

"Now, let's go get you cleaned up." He cut through the cord binding her to the bed and threw her over his shoulder.


Tom hadn't slept a wink the entire flight back to London. It had been over 24 hours since he had any contact with Lauren. He checked his phone for any messages from her or Luke but only received one from Luke stating that he still hasn't gotten ahold of Lauren.

His emotions were all over the place, ranging from angry to worried. He needed to see Lauren and know that she was safe.

Stumbling out of the cab in a hurry, he rushed up to Lauren's front door. He noticed the light by the door was off, something Lauren never did. The moment it got dark out, she would flip the light on. It was a habit of hers.

Bringing his fist up to knock, he thought better and pressed his ear up to the door to listen as he gently twisted the knob, finding it locked. Pleased with himself for always keeping a spare key tucked into his wallet, he pulled it out and proceeded to push it into the keyhole, being as quiet as possible. The door unlatched with a gentle click and he pushed the door open slowly, looking in toward the sitting room where he half expected her to be, napping on the couch with a book in hand.

He quietly stepped in and shut the door behind him. His heart was pounding. He wanted to call out for Lauren, but something told him to keep as quiet as possible.

Hearing the bath water running upstairs, he held his breath, listening for Lauren. He softly climbed up the steps, pausing halfway when he heard a voice he recognized. The trespasser. Then he heard the crack of a cheek being smacked and he snarled under his breath hearing a cry from Lauren. Tom continued up the stairs, his knuckles white from clutching the banister so hard.

He could tell the voices were coming from the bathroom in Lauren's bedroom. The running water drowned out the conversation but Lauren's whimpers bounced off the tiles creating a slight echo.

Tom peered into the bedroom and his heart stopped. He had to remind himself to breathe.

There stood Lauren, facing his direction and shaking. She hadn't seen him yet as she was looking down towards Dex who was lifting her feet up one at a time to take her socks off. Dex stood up, cut the ties that bound Lauren's wrist and started to lift Lauren's shirt.

"No, please," Lauren cried. The tears wouldn't stop now, no matter how hard she tried. Tom could feel his face begin to fume.

Dex laughed, "Silly Laurie. We can't bathe with our clothes on." He looked at the fear on her face and said,"fine, you do it then."

Sniffling and hesitant, Lauren slowly lifted her shirt off and dropped it to her feet. Immediately she wrapped her arms around her chest. She kept her eyes on Dex. As long as the knife was in his hands, she didn't dare take her eyes off of him.

"Lauren, this is why I need to do it for you. You take forever." Dex was getting impatient. "Come on, get the rest off," motioning to her jeans.

Tired of waiting for her, he slammed the knife down on the counter, undid her pants and bent down to yank them off.

A hint of a shadow just beyond the door caught Lauren's eye. She sucked in her breath when she saw Tom with a finger over his mouth, telling her to keep quiet.

Dex stood at the sound of Lauren's gasp. She had already recovered and was looking back at his face.

"Did I hurt you, Laurie?" Dex caressed her cheek. "Let me make it up to you." Dex shoved his lips onto Lauren's, almost causing her to fall back.

Fury roared from deep inside Tom. His heart was pounding and he wanted to kill Dex. He was now in the bathroom and reached for the knife. The floor creaked and Dex flipped around, his jaw dropping when he saw Tom.

They both lunged for the knife as Lauren screamed. She fell back and crawled over to the wall to stay out of harm's way. She covered herself with a towel, tears making their way down her face once again.

Tom and Dex struggled for the knife. It clattered on the floor and Dex kicked it away. Tom threw a punch at Dex's face, knocking him back into the tub. Blood mixed with the water but Dex still fought. His big fists swung away weakly as Tom grabbed his head and bashed it into the faucet. This time, Dex didn't fight back. His face stayed below the surface of the water, eyes wide open.

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