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Tom woke up before Lauren. He carefully shifted his body to turn towards hers and looked over every inch of her sleeping face. The dawn was peeking through the curtains, casting a soft glow on her lips. He fought back the urge to kiss them, not wanting to wake her. He'd kept her up rather late, kissing every inch of her, and she needed her rest before her first day.

He slipped out of bed and quietly got dressed. He wanted to surprise her with some tea and muffins from the market down the street. Lauren loved their blueberry muffins.

Tom scribbled a little note telling Lauren he'd be back, just in case she woke up while he was gone. The idea of her waking up and thinking he'd left for LA without even saying 'goodbye' devastated him. He was head over heels in love with this girl already and it scared him. His career made it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship. He didn't want to hurt Lauren in any way. She was the sweetest girl he had ever had the fortune of meeting and he felt she deserved so much more than what he had to offer.

He put the note next to her on top of the pillow he'd been sleeping with, gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and headed out.

The warm sunbeams of dawn made their way up to Lauren's eyes, interrupting the wonderful dream she was having of Tom. He was in the middle of kissing her deeply when her eyes fluttered open. She sleepily stretched her arm over to Tom's spot. It was warm and still smelled of him. She sighed and picked up the little note he left behind.

'Stepped out for a moment. Be back soon. XOXO Tom'

She kissed the note and sat up. She had two hours before she needed to be at work.

Deciding a bubble bath would be the perfect way to start her day, she headed into the bathroom and slipped out of her underwear.

While she soaked in the lavender bath, Tom made his way back from the market, smiling the entire way. He crossed the road to Lauren's and his pace slowed immensely as he saw a man with his face pressed up to the window of Lauren's sitting room, obviously trying to get a good look inside.

"Can I help you?" Tom asked him as he got closer.

The man jumped, startled by Tom's sudden appearance. "Oh, hi. Is this your place?"

"Maybe," Tom answered, not enjoying the unpleasant vibe the man was giving off. "May I ask why you're trying to look inside?"

"Fuck off, dude. You think you're hot shit because you're an actor? That's right, I know who you are. I'm not doing anything wrong here, okay, man?"

Tom scoffed and replied, "Actually, you're trespassing. So if you're not going to answer my question, please leave. Yes, this is my place. Are we going to have a problem here or should I call the police?"

The guy threw his hands up and sneered. "Whatever, asshole. Ta-ta."

Tom watched him walk off and out of view before he unlocked and opened the front door. This wasn't the first time he'd confronted trespassers. It was part of the reason he had moved in the first place. He made a mental note to have Lauren over at his place when he came back from LA. She didn't need her home being canvased by the paparazzi. He needed to cut back on his time at her place or Lauren would never get privacy again.

Making his way up the staircase with the teas and muffins in tow, a tiny sense of doubt nagged at him in the back of his mind. He couldn't place his finger on it but something didn't feel right. He pushed the thought aside and stepped into Lauren's room.

Hearing the faint splashing in the bathroom, he placed the food on the bedside table, undressed, and joined Lauren.


Tom rode with Lauren to work. They stepped out of the cab together, hand in hand.

Stopping in front of the entrance of Lauren's office building, they faced each other one last time. Internally, Lauren was a mess. The nerves of starting her job and the emotions of saying goodbye to Tom were close to making her lose control. She tried to smile but her eyes welled up anyway.

Tom frowned and tilted his head. He pulled her in tight for a hug and fully embraced her.

"Darling," was all he could get out. Placing a firm but gentle hand on either side of Lauren's face, he lifted her eyes to meet his and kissed the tear that had made it's way down her cheek before pressing his lips against hers.

Lauren reached up and cupped the back of his neck, not wanting the embrace to end. But it was inevitable. They stood there, foreheads pressed against each other, catching their breath.

"This isn't goodbye. It's 'see you later,'" Tom started. "This," motioning between himself and Lauren, "isn't over."

Lauren couldn't hold it in any longer. She let out a sob and their lips met once again. Tom's eyes were beginning to tear up. He wanted to selfishly steal her away from her own life. But just as he wouldn't want Lauren to hold him back, he wouldn't do that to her. Even if it was just pencil pushing. It could always lead to some other new and exciting adventure for her.

Lauren glanced at her watch. "Better get going."

Her voice was so sad. Tom didn't want to leave her just yet. But she was right. She needed to work and he had a flight to catch.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and as he gave Lauren a big kiss on the cheek, he snapped a shot of the two of them.

"I'll text you!" Tom called out as Lauren walked into the building. She turned around and waved with a smile.

Tom watched her disappear behind the glass door before getting back into the cab.

Instructing the cabbie to take him to Heathrow Airport, he sat back and looked at the picture he had just taken of him and Lauren. He was smiling while planting the kiss and Lauren was giggling with wet squinty eyes and a broad smile.

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