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"Will you marry me?"

Lauren's eyes widened. He was knelt down in front of her on one knee. She couldn't believe what was happening. She barely knew this man. His apparent feelings for her almost scared her. Was it normal to not feel the same? To not be at the same level as this man? Surely it took longer than a month to decide you want to spend the rest of your life with one particular person.

Before she could answer, he stood up and brought the back of his hand to her cheek, knocking her down.

"Why won't you just love me, you bitch!!" He kept shouting at her. She rolled over on all fours and tried to crawl to safety.

"Dex, stop!" She cried out as her body froze in place. She tried her hardest to get her muscles moving again.

"You bitch! You think you're better than me?!"

Lauren was trapped. He towered over her, his shadow blocking out all light.

No, there was still light...

There was light and it was forcing it's way into her eyes.

Lauren woke up with the sun shining directly into her eyes. Happy to find herself alone in bed, she stretched as far as she could, forcing her muscles to wake up. She sighed, rolled over and looked at the clock.

"What?!" She jumped up seeing that she was already two hours late for work. Her alarm had failed to go off. This is NOT what she wanted to happen on her last day of a well oiled first week of work.

Throwing on the first article of clothes she could get her hands on, she frantically searched for her phone. Why hadn't it woken her up?? It wasn't on the bedside table plugged into the charger where she usually kept it when she slept. Maybe she left it in her purse? Yes, that must be where it is.

She hurried down the stairs, hastily forcing her thick hair into a pony tail. Running into the kitchen to grab her bag off the counter, she glanced around just in case her phone was out. No sign of it. She searched through her purse as she stepped outside.

'Where IS it??' Annoyed, she locked the door and proceeded to hail a cab.


'Where is she??' Tom worried to himself. He had sent Lauren several texts to check on her. At first he figured she would be asleep, but sure enough she would be awake now and at work. She still hadn't replied.

Wearing a disguise of dark shades and a beanie to hold his curls down, he rushed through LAX to get on the next flight direct to Heathrow. Luke would have to forgive him. But he would never forgive himself if something had happened to Lauren.

The long flight to Heathrow was going to kill him. How could he possibly pass the time when all he could think about was Lauren's safety. Luke had promised to keep trying to get ahold of her.


Lauren tossed her bag and coat across the couch before sauntering into the kitchen to fix dinner. She was in a very bad mood. Not only was she extremely late for work, but her phone was missing. She didn't get to talk to Tom at all today.

She made herself a peanut butter and jelly and sat down on one of the kitchen stools. She opened up her laptop, hoping Tom had emailed her. Her office blocked personal email accounts and she knew he would be wondering why she wasn't replying to his texts. Just as her laptop was starting up, something hit her in the back of the head. She reached up and touched it, bringing blood back with her fingers.

The color on her hand swirled from red to black as she fell forward to the countertop, passing out.

London Boy (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now