Blue Moon

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My blue moon appear in the sky
But I'll know he'll never last
For every second with him
Is just a grain in the hourglass

A rare shine in my ordinary night
With rays just the softest glimmer
Enveloped me in serene might
Clinging to last forever

Fearing of being attached to it
I avoided the rays, sought the shade
Had my back against the wall
In a room where light fades

I know I've done what's best
To save myself from this pain
Now tell me why am I feeling?
So ruefully insane

The rest of days will be regrets
Remaining piece of heart turned stale
For I know my blue moon fades
Nothing would be a contented farewell

Now, I stepped out in the open
To see the welcoming dawn
I feel the bitter side of hope
For my blue moon is gone


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