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Separate my soul from this body
It's already decayed
And weakened by pain
And still suffering

And let me float around the earth
In a state between existence and none
And I will forever walk

And it's the loneliness that I'm used to
Only it feels like flying
It will feel nothing

Like how worthless I am
The dust that's sifted off a gold mine
Just a dust
A speck that occupies space

Like matter
Only, I won't matter anymore
If I leave this world
And atoms would scatter
Hopefully will form something
That truly matters

And all I want
To not feel
To not exist
To not burden

Dear self,
You are beyond saving. The only good you can do is hasten the misery to its end.
I still have self love... And I'm thriving in its scarcity. But I soon won't.

Poems out of BoredomWhere stories live. Discover now