Chapter 4: Same Girl

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After 2 hours of Woodworking, the bell for lunch finally rang. It is a holy sign for all the students to be able to get out of class and forget the miserable classes. 

Lunch time is Burn Knuckle's favourite time, of course. Plenty of foods and fights to join, well that is under Vasco's instruction.  Burn Knuckle usually went to the canteen together. 

"We are going to canteen. Coming?" He said as he stood up. 

Jin Soo craned her neck a little since Vasco is very tall. "You are asking me?", She said as she look around while using her finger to point to herself.

"Yes." his gruff voice replied. 

I don't really have any choice here since I am the only girl and I know nobody except my own brother, she thought 

"Oh, sure." 

Jin-Soo stood up trying to match his footsteps to the door. Vasco is leading with the guys followed behind them. Jin-Soo on his right. While Bum Jae is on his left. Jin Soo noticed Vasco doesn't talk much but whenever someone else talks to him, he would pay deep attention to it. Also he slowed his pace to match hers. 

Students from other dept seems to part as they walk like the Red Sea. So far no sight of her brother, as she look around the busy hallway. As they walk in the cafeteria's door. The room was silenced. Vasco lets her line up in front of him. 

The food is not actually that bad, rice, kimchi, bulgogi and soup. Pretty basic but better than most school's option. Jin Soo struggled a bit carrying her tray and Vasco took it away from her. Vasco held both trays and led them to table. 

The members are not far behind them with same food with twice her own portion. He did all that with a straight face which means he glared at the crowd with a tight lip. The whispers begin again this time regarding her and the most feared senior at school.

"Vasco with a girl."

"That's the same one with Jin Sung this morning."

"Is she the rumoured genius from Australia?"

"I thought she was Jin-Sung's Girlfriend."

The table eat in silence, only the sound of chopsticks can be heard. With the whispers surrounding us with odd rumours that doesn't even make the slightest bit of sense. It was like that until the lunch bell rang. A few hours later school isover. She made friends and also manage to do well on her first day. 

At least the boys are nicer than her expectation, they all treat her with respect and she was glad for that. Vasco, Bum Jae and a few Burn Knuckle members walked her to the station. The boys except Vasco were talking about some sport they were planning to play after school. "Hey Vasco shall we play soccer today?"

"Or Baseball?"

Vasco only replied, "I'll go for a run today." 

"We will join you." 

Vasco's face brightened, "Really?"

"Yes, anything for you." Bum Jae replied. 

"It's 10 km run. I am so happy that I have friend to go with." as soon as Vasco said that the members face ashen, even Bum Jae slighty pales. it's 10 KM run, anybody would bail but they already say yes and nobody can take back their words. 

We stopped in front of the station. She noticed how scared the students are when they see Vasco and Bur Knuckle. But why? They are bunch of good guys despite how they look. Otherwise they wouldn't treat her kindly. Vasco said, "See you tomorrow."

"Don't ever get tired of us." One of the guys said.

"Thank you for today. I will surely come to school tomorrow." The bus is here. 

"Have fun running 10 KM!" She waved at them from the window. Yes, they are definitely good guys especially Vasco. What Jin-Sung said is not correct at all. 


Author's note:   

Hey guys, I know it's super late. I apologise for that since I am a senior so I am pretty busy. 

Happy New Year 2017! Let's have an awesome year and survive another year! 

See you guys in the next chapter! Thanks for reading

XOXO, Chiptle

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