Chapter 8: No more

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She smirked at the sight of Red Blood members. An old building is one of her most favorite place to fight. The leader stepped up, the idiot dyed his hair blue and his teeth are yellow as he smirked at her. Disgusting

"Raven, my my. Don't you look gorgeous tonight." he stepped forward while gesturing her with his thin fingers.

"Shut the fuvk up, Jun! I am here to fight not have a mindless chitchat with you."  she glared at her with so much menace, if there is anybody she hated more in the area then the answer will be him, Jeon Jun Ho. 

"Patience, my lady. I am here to make a deal with you."

"Spit it out, I don't want to see your face longer than necessary!"

He looks at her in annoyance, "Today's fight will be without any weapons. Physical fight only."

"Is that it?" 

Fist-fighting is basically one of her strong point, she knew Jun is stupid but certainly not this stupid.

"Yes, very simple. If my gang went against our rules than we will give you all of our cocaine. We have enough to send you to heaven, my dear Raven." he said proudly.

"No, my gang will not and never use drugs! Don't fuvking call me Dear!" she glowered at him.

"Fine. Until then."

Pathetic, just plain pathetic

Her blood boiled wanting to punch the hell out of someone just to relieve the madness flowing inside her mind. These boys are just here at the wrong moment and time. 

She remembered just last night, her parents screamed to her face as she came home once again bloody after a fight with another gang. A fight is one of her daily routine and it's nothing new but her parents who just came home from overseas just seen her at the worse time.

Her parents won't stop lecturing and maybe begging for her to change to be someone better, to stop fighting and become a good girl again.

Good girl? What a joke, she'll never change. If her parents would just try to spend time with her and her sibling maybe she'll consider to be a good person. 

The only thing she want is love and attention, maybe everything will be better. Then again, she is Raven, known for having dark hair as dark as her heart and mind. 

"Leader? everything alright?", Bok Jin Ha, her right hand called her with concern swirling in his eyes. Concern? it's been so long since somebody actually worried or concern for her. 

She snapped from her daze, "Yes, I am fine."

Jin Ha didn't look convinced knowing that something is off with her for the last few days.

"Boys! ATTACK!" she yelled followed by agreement from her underlings.

Time to forget about feelings and just follow your fist. The only thing she didn't know is maybe that night is the night that will change her life.


Third Person P.O.V

She remembered bits and pieces about what happened back at the cafeteria including her confronting Jaehwan and later beating him to pulp. The yells echoed in her mind as Burn Knuckles lead her away from the location so nobody will know who beat Jaehwan. 

Nobody at school will dare to defy Burn Knuckles as Jaebum made sure no words are out about Jin Soo. The crowd left as soon as Jin Soo fainted as Jaehwan's underlings carried him to the Hospital. 

The boy who got bullied is someone from Music Department named Daek Hwa and he managed to thank Vasco who carried Jin Soo bridal style on his way out of the cafeteria. 

"Is she okay?" Daek Hwa asked as he bravely followed Vasco to the School Clinic. 

"She'll be fine." Vasco answered as he hurriedly rushed to the Clinic, "Go back to the class, the lesson has started."

Daek Hwa stopped Vasco for a moment as Vasco's eyes pierced at him. Jin Soo is in danger and this boy wants to stop him?!

Daek Hwa cowered as he said, "Please send my thank you to Jin Soo sunbae, she saved me from them."

Vasco softened, this boy is brave and he likes that value in a man. "I will."


The ceilings are white with smells of medicines and chemicals as Jin Soo woke up 20 minutes later with Vasco near her bed.

"Where am I?" she asked as she tried to sat up but her arms were weak. Vasco immediately help her to sit up as he propped pillows for her. 

"The School Clinic." Vasco answered, "Here have some water." 

He gently hand her an opened water bottle. "Thank you." 

"Are you feeling better?" he asked as he took the half drank bottle and put them on the table.

"Yes, what happened?" 

Vasco was confused, she forgot everything just like that. Before he can answered, the partition was opened. Jin Sung walked in looking worried for his sister, he looks a little angry too. 

"Sunbae, can I please talk alone with my sister?" he roughly asked. Vasco looked at Jinsoo in concern, Jin Soo nodded at him and gave him a sad smile.

"I'll be right outside if you need me."

"I won't hurt my fuvking sister, okay!" Jin Sung yelled. Vasco glared at him with such distaste. 

"Jin Sung, enough! Please just sit down." Jin Soo gave him another smile as reluctantly Vasco waited outside. 

 The younger man then sit down on Vasco's previous seat. "What is it you want to talk about?"

Jin Sung clenches his jaw, "Noona, I think you should stop going to school."

With that Jin Soo's eyes widens as she felt tears flowing down her cheeks.


Author's note:

Hey guys! So Jin Sung finally drop the bomb, stay patience and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

XOXO, Chiptle

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